Subject: Friend, you should keep plugged in

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If you watch the latest video on the official YouTube channel above, you can catch Harald introducing the offer that will keep us busy until the Cape Town Freedom Celebration.

As an affiliate looking for a way to boost your business this video offer is great news. It's funny how so many affiliates ask me - what should I tell people right now who I think could be interested? Well, tell them to do what you already did of course.

It's simple - right now you can put €4,000 into something that gives you €8,000 in gold-backed crypto, a state of the art Smartphone and a VIP business package. All you need do is hold these cryptos until around October or a little longer. I'm not even going to talk about the 75 KBC = 1 gram of gold situation coming early next year.

I keep getting comments like "so what" about the KCB coin. Well, I used to get the same comments early last year about the first gold backed Karatbars Crypto - KBC. There were incentives running then that included free KBC coins.

Guess what happened...

People said "so what" and then in September last year Harald (the CEO of Karatbars) announced that 100 KBC will be exchangeable for 1 gram of gold from 4th July 2019. Even in the open market (see image down below) the coin is up to nearly $0.07 but it will be worth so much more on 4th July.

What will happen to the current KCB coin that comes with the Impulse K1 package? It will merge on the Karatbars Blockchain in September/October this year and become one with the existing KBC coin. It is expected that around 3 KCB will merge and become one KBC.

Remember that 100 KBC from 4th July will have a minimum value of 1 gram of gold. It will take an absolute (pardon my language) shit storm to make gold drop below €40 per gram (it is currently €44.4). More likely is that gold will remain at least stable (if not increase more) while half the world expects a big pull back on stocks etc. 

If ever there was a time to have a cryptocurrency that had value secured by the value of gold, now is the time. The timing could not be better.

I can't stop talking about this because I just believe that it is the greatest single opportunity on the planet right now and if believing it is too difficult for you; I can't do any more for you than give you a chance to keep looking at it before it is too late.

So, what should you say to people? It's really simple if you think it through, but I will give you a for instance (use your own words of course)...

"John, I worry about the state of the economy and I wonder what would happen if there was another serious crash like in 2008. Just lately I've been putting as much money as I can into a currency backed by gold. Is that something you want to have a look at?"

If they aren't interested, move on. There are 7 billion plus people on the planet and we couldn't cope with even 1% of them all being in Karatbars even if they wanted to be! All we need are the people out there that "get it". And what will they potentially see as a return on their money if they join us?

My prediction of price and/or value of KBC is low compared to most people I talk to (I am and always have been conservative in my nature). I believe KBC will be €2 each coin at least by May/June 2021 - just my opinion. You see, by then, given current rate of gold additions to the vault that backs KBC (currently 6.4 tonnes of pure physical gold stored in the vault already) said vault should contain a minimum of 25 to 30 tonnes as the business grows.

All the world needs right now is to see the result of the 4th July gold guarantee kicking in. Guess what will happen after 4th July? You will not be able to get hold of this Crypto at these crazy low prices ever again after. Do you think that Karatbars are going to sell you a Crypto worth around €0.50 cents a pop for €0.14? Err....NO!

It requires around 80 tonnes to make each KBC coin worth around 0.1 gram of gold a piece. After the merge I have estimated that there will be around 8 Billion KBC in total (it could be a little less or a little more). It wouldn't really matter much if it was 10 Billion to be honest.

As a company, contrary to what some will tell you, Karatbars do not need to be sitting on that 80 tonnes of gold in a bank vault to make each coin worth 0.1 kg of gold. They just need access to it. And a market knowing that the gold pile is accumulating, (which it already is). They already have access to 270 tonnes of gold between the existing two gold mines. 

Seeing the maths is easy enough if you don't get in your own way...

That is why some people are already calling values of €10 plus per KBC in 2 to 3 years. If you have 30,000 KCB come merge day, you will have roughly 10,000 of the merged KBC. Not a bad nest egg. Most people in the business already have far more than that. And this K1 deal is the easiest way going to get some more. You see, it really isn't about the phone at all. But good business sense and good practise means that it requires the sale of the coins to be seen as a sale of the phones.

The image below is KBC on at 12:30 on 17th May 2019. Where will KBC be one year from now, two years from now? Remember KCB will have become KBC by then.

Just talk to people about what's happening and offer them the same opportunity that you've been offered. I know what holds you back, it is a lack of belief and of course I get that. But it isn't as if you don't already believe in magic is it? 

After all, you expect, it would seem, the current cycle of debt building upon debt to keep working in the world economy. Keeping that afloat right now, well that takes real magic. I used a quote in another email a few days back that I love and I just have to use it again and the quote was:

"If you don’t trust gold, do you trust the logic of taking a beautiful pine tree, worth about $4,000-$5,000, cutting it up, turning it into pulp and then paper, putting some ink on it and then calling it one billion dollars?"

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