Subject: Friend, here's my two penneth - as always you may take it or leave it...

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Before you take anyone's advice on anything it is useful to know that the person giving the advice has some experience and knowledge in the area within which the advice relates.

I'm sure you would wholeheartedly agree with that. 

And it occurs to me that you don't really know if and to what extent my own advice could help you. Of course you don't. So I am going to give you a very quick (super quick) summary of why my advice might be worth something to you. 

Years working (post school - because I actually started working for the first time when I was eleven) 44 years. Years working in sales and marketing areas - 39 years. Years working in supervisory sales, sales management and skills coaching areas - 34 years. Years searching for extremely strong business and wealth creating opportunities - 20 plus.

That entire 39 years sales based work has also included a continuation of "sharp end, hands on" selling of some description. The old cliché of "if you can't do, teach" has, I can honestly say, never been something that one could apply to me. 

Quick translation of all that into simple terms...

I know a bloody lot about sales, marketing, training, coaching and people. And the only thing that has changed around me over the last twenty years that can even be considered a real change in people and their buying processes is the technology and communication channels we use. 

Everything else about communicating with and influencing people is exactly the same as it was in the late seventies and early eighties. Odds on in fact (as I cannot confirm this personally) it's the same as it was in the 1950's and earlier.

This is fact - only one real thing changes over time in "buying" psychology and that in the all the time that people have been buying, selling and promoting products and services. That one thing is the availability of information and how it is communicated.

Prior to the Internet and mobile phone technology - people still generally needed someone to come to them to sell or explain an idea or product or service. Yes we have had direct mail marketing and TV advertising for a good long while now but post Internet we've been able to look it all up for ourselves. 

Along with the obvious advantages of that there are some terrible downsides. 

The most prestigious of those downsides is the that the guy in the pub who knows everything now has access to far too many people to whom he can spread his (utter lack of factual) information and, as we've all seen from recent media coverage, his poison.

Another terrible downside is that we can all now hide behind our closed doors and let not a soul in while we eat and drink the commercial crap that that spews out of our TV sets. If you want a real laugh, find someone who loves TV soaps and sit down with them to work out how much of their lives they have given up to that little gem of an addiction.

Once you have spent your most valuable commodity (time) it is gone forever. Would you live your life differently if you knew when you were going to die? What if your remaining lifespan was much shorter than you realised?

Incidentally and to be clear, by "man in the pub" I of course refer to the individual (be that male or female) who has an opinion on everything regardless of whether that opinion is based on any real experience. They don't necessarily exist in the pub but that was always an amusing way of representing them I thought. 

Most of us have experienced this in the manifestation that I call "the man in the pub". But sadly, I would be failing if I did not also include in the category, the family member (close or distant) and "friend" that feels that he or she may have influence upon you simply through constant or regular contact or longevity of association.

These people mostly, but not always, wiggle their tongues at you out of a need to help, guide and protect you. But it still doesn't make them qualified. Unless of course they genuinely are qualified in which case, all power to them as long as the qualification does not also contain bias.

The Internet age has spawned a few pretty major changes in human psychology along the way. One of these is that we more often consider ourselves buyers than we ever did before. As an attitude of mind this means that we feel less and less inclined to be sold to. 

My jury is still out as to whether or not that is necessarily a good thing. This is very much evidenced in the decline of ownership of life assurance and, as such, we have become more vulnerable and less capable of looking after our families. Now we more often than ever hide behind cries of "I cannot afford it" without ever really looking at what we spend our money on and how worthy the cause.

Interestingly, I was recently reminded by a friend of one the most powerful books I ever read and so I just picked it up and read it yet again (I've actually read it over a dozen times - in fact I've only ever read one book more times - "think and grow rich" by Napoleon Hill). 

I was lucky enough to read this book when I was still in my teens. The book  I refer to is "the richest man in babylon" by George S Clason. If you've never read it; it contains some very powerful advice presented in an almost biblical way. 

When I trained new, young, budding sales people in the eighties I used to urge them to read this book along with the Napoleon Hill book because the biggest problem I had to help them to overcome before anything else, was the influence of their family and close friends. 

The biggest single reason for failure in a sales career (and this might stagger you but is an absolute fact) is the influence of family and friends even though that influence was almost always wielded as if it were a protective blanket.

"You're not cut out for this" - "you can't do this" - "this isn't you" - you should get yourself a proper job" - "you don't want to be that slick salesman" - "you're never going to make ends meet" - "don't worry, everyone fails at that" and "what if it doesn't work or is a scam". 

I could go on and on with the platitudes but we've all experienced this I guess over something that we got involved with or wanted to get involved with. You may even be amused to see me mention "what if it's a scam". But trust me, even back then that's what people used to often say. 

And so to the purpose of this treatise on what appears to be selling (but it isn't I assure you)...

I used to have one early statement for all these would be sales people, and it would be the same today were I still so engaged. When you have something really good that people want, even if they do not know it yet. And, certainly, when you have something that people need, just share your story. Explain why you believe in it and why you believe it is good for you.

When you join a business (as an affiliate, as a sales representative, as any form of ambassador for that business) and that business in some way allows you to earn from sharing that business with others, stop thinking about it as selling and start thinking about it as sharing. 

If it is a good business, be proud of what it does, take a real vested interest in its growth. Most importantly:

Stop being selfish about it. Why is the opportunity good enough for you but not good enough for others?

And stop eating yourself up over the misplaced idea that others will someone how feel bad about you because you want to share."I want to share an idea I have with you. Would you be willing to listen?" "And besides, I really do value your opinion." That is so much nicer than - "you should buy one of these, they're great!"

If you are nervous about the future of this great business then be honest about that too. People still like honesty (well most do) and it is perfectly acceptable for you to admit that you can only give an opinion based upon your own understanding of what could happen.

Most of us, most of you, most of all the people you know need more money. Yes of course money in its own right does not make one happy. It never has, it never will. Money is nowt but currency. And I do not refer here to GBP, EUROS and DOLLARS. Money is the unfortunate and inevitable currency of modern life. 

It is the only real fuel that drives the entire machine. We can all get by on less around these parts for sure but money opens gates and doorways and oils the wheels of our momentum. If we want to truly expand and move forward we need to have more of it or simply settle for a life of less. 

Do you think you can be of more help to the people around you with more money or more help to them with less. Money doesn't make people good or bad, their decisions make them good or bad.

As members or (at least) watchers of the Karatbars business universe you have a unique gift you can impart. That is the gift of plenty. You can share a way forward with others you know that just might give them the extra income or wealth creating opportunity that they need.

Right now the clock is ticking on a sensational deal that far too many people are ignoring, probably because of the influences I mentioned earlier in this piece. 

You can get that deal by going to your back office and looking under product purchase for the Impulse K1 phone packages. They start at €1,250 (with €1,250 worth of cryptocurrency thrown in) but the real spanking deal is the €4k deal.

Until 12th May you can preorder a K1 Impulse phone package for €4k that gives you (in Crypto Coins) €12k of value back. Do not kid yourself, that 12k back is as real as it gets. That is around 86,000 units in currency worth €0.14 per unit now and it has real potential to grow dramatically in value beyond that.

You also get a sensational phone and, if you aren't one already, an automatic VIP position in the Karatbars business. You'll hear Brian McGinty say that the VIP position is the most valuable part of that deal. I would find it hard to argue against that as the position allows you to build your own thriving business investing as much or as little time as you wish knowing you will be rewarded at the best rate. 

If you still haven't joined as an affiliate you should upgrade or join using the link below or the link from whoever recommended Karatbars to you.

Why don't you go see if the man in the pub can match that deal...

All the best


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