Subject: Friend, did you see the news from Brian?

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There is no way for me to tell who is and who isn't subscribed to Brian McGinty's Karatbars newsletter so, if you are not, then you should be because he keeps everyone posted on what is happening within Karatbars and will pick up things that I may not.

So, in case you are no on the list, then here's the link to subscribe (and, by the way, you may need to confirm your subscription after signing up). 

So, in case you missed it and you don't get around to subscribing to his list, here's what he put out on Friday (or the bulk of it anyway):

Message From HQ

I got a message from HQ today asking me to ask if anyone else is still waiting for their 35% bonuses and to make a list for them of properly submitted claims that are still waiting.

IE: People who bought before the 15th June 2018 and sent in 1 x KBC before the 31st of January 2019 and who have not had double coins delivered.

If you think you fit the sentence above please follow the instructions below.

If you do not fit the criteria above for any reason please don't email me as those cases will be looked at once these are done.

You will need to do the following exactly..

1. Go to and enter your Ethereum address, now open the tab which says ERC20 Token TXNS (see picture below)

2. Ensure your coins went in before 15th June (315 days ago) and 1 x KBC went out before 31st January (85 days ago).

3. Make sure you have not had any double payments of KBC's. If you have you need to send them back before any claim will be paid out.

If you have done this and everything looks good send me a fresh email.. Not a reply to this one.

Send it to

In the title put - 35% Bonus

In the body of the email just put:

1. Your name

2. Your ETH address. (This is ok as it is a public address) It is the private key you never give out.

3. Your Karatbit email address so they can pay the claim.

Please don't be writing anything else or explanations. Keep it simple so I can copy, paste the information.

I will put together a list and send it to Ovidiu (Toma) and he will go through them. All the other leaders are doing the same for their teams today.

If you have any other claim please just wait and they will be looked at once these "simpler" cases are done. When I get further instructions I will send them out!

We are getting near the end of these which is great! It's been a long process which would have been completed months ago had it not been for so many scam attempts. All's well that ends well and they always get there in the end.

I am off to pack for Malta. .... I will be back in my office on Tuesday morning.

Have a great weekend.

Keep a close eye on the website and the official Facebook page for updates.


Brian McGinty

NB (From John) - please note the paragraph I have highlighted and put in italics above.

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.