Subject: Friend, Please Address These Security Issues

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I am departing for Amsterdam on Friday for the official roll-out of the news we were given in Stuttgart and, hopefully, I will then be allowed to tell you all about what is coming. 

The future of Karatbars is going to be a stunning adventure as they become a household name but...

...this could all so easily be ruined for you if you do not address the security of your accounts.

Because of this, I would draw your attention to the videos I have put up on these security issues. One of them is a quickie from me and the other two of them come from the Karatbit Exchange staff directly.

They are all short videos and I cannot stress how important it is to follow the detail inside them. Once the security is a strong as it can be, we can all then relax and get on with enjoying the benefits and I assure you, they are going to be massive benefits.

I know there are still issues with some people and if you have outstanding issues the company will address them in time and I will help where I can. Just give me (and them) some time to get the issues resolved if they can be resolved.

The videos are available here:

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