Subject: Bloody Marvellous News !

You are receiving this email because you are a member at Karatbars and your sponsor is John Duncan or you wish to be on this list. I do not give investment advice. All content herein is based on my understanding of information supplied to me and my own opinion of how this works.
Ahh, the pictures in one's head...
When the subject line "Bloody Marvellous News" popped into my head - trade secret there, email subject lines just pop into my head - I pictured the Chinese guy from Lethal Weapon 4 who Riggs and Murtagh caught in the dentists chair (that will not mean a thing to you unless you've seen the film).

They are trying to get information out of him using the classic dentist gas or laughing gas as we used to call it and he keeps saying "bloody marvellous" (with a decidedly Chiness lilt of course) and I thought of that because I am literally about to fly off to Hing Kong to watch Harald Seiz (CEO Karatbars) put some gold in a vault. 

Now, I love Kong Kong and spent many wonderful months there back in the 80's and 90's and to say I am pleased to be going back is an understatement,.

That isn't the reason for the email though. 

No, the reason for the email is that the Karatbars offer of free KCB in every affiliate business package purchase has been extended for a while (I don't actually know until when yet) so fill your boots if you haven't got one yet. Even if it is the starter level bronze package.

You can find them once you log in to your KBars back office under product purchase - business packages - packages.

Even if you cannot see any reason on earth why you might want to recommend any Karatbars products to anyone, think on this:

They are dropping the price of Cashgold to as close to the spot price of gold as they can. This means that people will be able to buy highest quality 999.9 fine gold at a price close to what would normally only ever be achievable for buyers on the London Bullion Market of 100 troy ounces at a time.

To put that another way, Karatbars will, without a doubt, be able to sell the best quality gold at the cheapest price anywhere online or offline! And you will be able to recommend them to people and earn a commission for doing so if you've purchased a business pack.

Also, those of us that have a Premium Pack or a Premium Professional pack will start seeing our monthly passive incomes from the premium pools explode as Cashgold sales go through the roof. 

Especially as one of the primary reasons for dropping the Cashgold price will be to get bullion dealers around the world trading in Cashgold. There are already a large number of them poised to go in the Far East and I hope to hear all about that in Hong Kong.

I am making the trip with my good friend Graham Laurie and, if we can, we will try to make a little video of the event whilst we are there. Obviously, there may be issues with that because of security but fingers crossed.

There are some great times ahead for Karatbars members. 

I'll end with a quote from Harald Seiz about the future for the Karatbars organisation as we move ahead with Crypto and other developments as well as the Cashgold developments:

When asked about the fiutre, he is 100% confident that, to use his words... "millionaires" and billionaires will be created wth KBC and KCB in the next two years".

Hope I'm one of them! And I hope you can become one of them too.

If you ever wondered how to change your life over the next few years you are in the right place...

Got to keep it short today, off to the airport now.

John Duncan,
SKYPE: profitmagnets 
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