Subject: Be Ready For Another Big Update

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Cashgold To KBC Offer (Update)
Every year, Ronald-Peter Stoeferle and Mark Valek at Incrementum AG, a Liechtenstein-based investment and asset-management company, put together an exhaustive report into the state of gold and gold-related markets.
It’s known as "In gold we trust". You'll find the same words printed on one side of each CASHGOLD note.

Last year’s edition was downloaded some 1.7 million times. So it is a well read and heavily anticipated report. It's a huge report and I am not going to cover it here but I will refer you to Dominic Frisby's Money Week article which is well worth a read for the highlights from Incrementum's report.

There is a great statement in there that reads:

“Gold and cryptocurrencies are friends, not foes,” says Incrementum. That's just what I want to be hearing right now as we look forward to the future as holders of the Karatgold Crypto Coin.

There is another big announcement due in the Karatbars/Karatbank story very soon and, when I get the detail, I will let you know what the announcement involved. Meanwhile, just get yourself some KBC if you haven't already and don't forget that, cryptocurrency aside, this looks like it might be a really good time to being buying gold anyway.

If you went ahead and purchased some KBC (Karatgold Coin) then brilliant. 

If you aren't there yet please don't let little things like know your customer (KYC) upload requirements stand between you and, potentially, one of the most profitable purchases you are likely to make this year or maybe even this decade.

You shouldn't let anything stand between you and holding some of this stuff. The downside is miniscule, and the upside is stunning.

Check your status at Karatbars. If you are fully approved there is nothing to stop you buying now. The videos at profitmagnets take you through the entire process, start to finish.

If your status is "docs missing" then you haven't started the KYC process off or you haven't finished uploading the two documents required. If it is approved on one and declined on another then you just need to try again with the missing document.

Not doing the KYC is like almost reaching the brow of the hill on a quest to find the coastline (with the coast just over the brow) but then giving up before you see it just shy of the brow and rolling back down the hill.

John Duncan,
SKYPE: profitmagnets 
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