Subject: All Things Karatbars - Outstanding Matters

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This Christmas message will, hopefully, bring much joy and some closure. When you've read the email, please watch the video at the very bottom of the email entitled simply "The Video". I would advise watching this first.

I suggest you watch this video as soon as you can and then I suggest you register or activate your V999 account. You may have already set this up a few months back. If so, just go to the official platform site and log in.

That can be found HERE

You will need to KYC, this is critical as all those that do will receive some free Genius tokens. To understand what they are and everything else that is going on, watch this video:

There will be questions, specifics to cover but it seems to me that we've all ended up much better off than we thought we would because if you have converted your KBC to G999 (Gold Standard Bank) coins, you now get the KBC back again and gets those converted to Genius coins (V999 platform).

All of this will be done free of charge!

If you never did convert to G999, no problems, your KBC will still be converted to Genius utility tokens. Rather than let me list it all here, just watch both videos to understand exactly where you are.

The basic steps you need are a fully KYC'd V999 platform account. Many of us already registered and just need to log in and KYC. Then you wait, follow any upcoming instructions and then just sit back and relax.

The big attraction for me now is simple. I moved all my gold from Karatbars to Freebay. I will now be able to convert that to V999 coins in the Genesis market and take a lifetime income from the gold on all of it. I can then buy more if I wish to.

It may take a few goes over with these videos to understand what you have here. But whichever way you cut it, it is all still there and it is all getting bigger and better for you.

As always there will still be those who look at this through a half-empty glass and still find something to criticise. Personally, I have run out of steam where defending this company is concerned and now I just want to get what I am owed. 

It seems to me that this announcement from Christmas Day absolutely confirms what I always personally believed. And that is that Harald Seiz and his Karatbars company was a good business with some great ideas that got a little lost and let down by certain parts of the ever developing jigsaw.

Now it seems clear that Harald Seiz wants to give everything he said he would in the best way he can and deliver everything. I think there are no doubts about that now.

It appears that Harald and Josip Heit have gone their separate ways and are no longer working together so we can get the best of what both are doing.

Merry Christmas, Be Safe and Be Well. 


Ps - I cleared my KYC within a few hours on V999 and already have Genius tokens in my account.
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