Subject: All Questions Answered

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Very important newsletter today from Brian McGinty. Rather than cherry pick the content - here's the whole thing. I realise some are directly subscribed to his newsletters but not all so I don't want anyone missing out.

All Your Questions Answered - All of them! :)

Brian McGinty via
1:20 PM (13 minutes ago)

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Important News

Hi again,
Lot's of questions from you this week. I had a meeting with Harald, Ovidiu and the others in the Leadership council and put forward all the questions you sent me.

I am going to go through all the points now. If you have something that is missed please send it to me by email to

Thanks to everyone who finds my deliberate mistakes and spelling errors. I like to keep you on your toes. lol ;)

Anyway... What a great week...

Breaking News : KBC, as you can see on is now a Top 50 coin!! 

Out of 3000 coins listed on there that's a huge achievement and people really need to get their heads around that. It's a seriously big achievement in twelve months since the KBC ICO ended.

That's before KBC has even started to be used in the Ecosystem! Just think about that for a moment. That's before people start taking grams of gold out of CEM's for 100 KBC.

What do you think will happen to the KBC price when the gold bugs find out about these CEM's?

The fact that Bitcoin has dropped so much this week is a complete gift for us and giving us a third chance to get KBC at a great price. 2 cents is still a 400% increase in eighteen months so I'm delighted before we even get going.

On that note lets answer your questions:

*Please ensure that everyone in your team is getting this newsletter. Don't send the emails to me as they can now register directly at If someone said they have missed a Newsletter they can also read the last few months editions at that link.

*Supernodes will start paying out on the 15th of October. Remember that each Supernode pays out 600,000 KBC per year or 50,000 KBC per month. There are only 303 left and they won't last long after the 15th of October!

Get yourself some Bitcoin, send it to Karatbit or one of the exchanges and stock up on KBC. I am that's for sure.

*KBC goes on to Mainnet on 16th December on fork day but the Supernodes will be paid out from Kmerchant/Karatbit fees for the first few months. Masternodes and Full Nodes will start from the fork day which is 16th December.

*Karatnet/Mainnet is live - Which means they are now connecting the auxiliary projects such as K1, Merchant, CEM's... KBC will migrate to Mainnet at the fork so it will be a transparent migration and a transparent Mainnet circulating supply.

*The new qualification for matching bonuses starts on the 5th of October and is an optional part of the compensation plan. If you want to earn matching bonuses up to seven levels deep in your team you need to earn one direct commission of €25 per week from your first line! Ie, Someone you personally referred.

When someone starts in the business they do not need to qualify for the first twelve months and will receive all matching bonuses for twelve months.

Personally I think this is a great addition to the compensation plan. When I worked in insurance we had to sell two policies per day, advertising was 3 adverts per day. Anyone who can't do one sale per week should think about a different career. :)

If you don't know what a matching bonus is it means that if someone in one of my first seven levels earns €80 I earn €4 as a VIP. It is also dynamically compressed so all inactive people don't count as a level and it goes to the next one. In reality you can get bonuses dozens of levels deep.

In purely financial terms it means we earn lots more commissions and the active people get rewarded more.

1 x €350 Profit Package sale or 2 x €150 profit packages would be enough to ensure you are qualified/eligible every week. This is a wonderful addition to the plan, is really fair and will earn you more money! Win win.

*Kmerchant support is a different team in a different location to Karatbit, Karatbars etc. If you have watched the Amsterdam video you will have seen the man who runs it. Their support is a contact form in the Kmerchant website itself. Don't send emails or make calls about KMerchant to Karatbars.

Please be aware that Karatbars, Karatpay, Karatbit and Kmerchant are all different teams in different countries. If you are unsure who to contact you can still call the +49 number and they will advise you where to send your question.

*Direct commissions on Kmerchant - Yes we will be getting direct commissions on every Kmerchant we enrol and units will also be created and flow up through the dual team.

As a very rough example so don't quote me until I get the exact percentages.

Let's say Bob spends €100 of Bitcoin in a Kmerchant.

The Karatbars software gives the Kmerchant €100 in Fiat if that's what he wants.., The KMerchant software sends that €100 of Bitcoin to an exchange and sells it for €102... The €2 profit is shared between you and Karatbars.

That's how it makes money for you and for Karatbars.

No fees for the shopkeeper and none for the customer. Its pretty simple and straightforward.

Sign up 10, 100, 1000 Kmerchants and there's your daily passive income sorted for years ahead. If it was me I would focus on high value items such as cars, property and luxury goods.. Things people with Bitcoin will want to buy... and of course more commissions for you. There are better commissions on a Ferrari than on a Pizza.

*The CEM's are now in Germany and ready to be shipped around the world. The new Karatbars website which is coming will have a CEM locator on it so you can see where in the world they are.

100 KBC today is €2 and you can exchange them for 1g of gold today which is €52.30 . Granted you have to go to head office to do it until the CEM's start to arrive but you can still do it and plenty of people are turning up every day.

I'm converting 100 KBC to 1g of gold in Karatbit every day so I will have lots of QR codes when I get to a CEM. There is no limits as to how much cashgold you can take out of a CEM per day. The owner just needs to have it in the machine obviously.

I have bought a CEM. If I couldn't afford one I would have sold one here in Malta. If you want a CEM in your area please either buy one or sell one. Waiting for someone else to do it and complaining when no one has is a victim mentality. Instead of "When will there be a CEM in my area?" try "How can I get a CEM in my area?"

*If anyone is daft enough to still be asking for proof about mines or company ownership please send them to the Ecosystem website - (It seems some affiliates don't know about that website) Lots of great info on there.

*If anyone is in any doubt about the progress being made please ask them to read this 30 page document created by Harald / Josip outlining everything the company has achieved so far. HERE It also includes more documentation on the companies.

Two ICO's, Karatbit, Karatpay, K1 Impulse, WHIM, Karanet, CEM's, Setting up companies, teams, support etc, etc.

A whole Ecosystem developed and delivered in around eighteen months by many teams working in various countries is phenomenal. And people moan because the phones or CEM's might be a few weeks out from the intended delivery date?

Not to mention the company have had to deal with and overcome someone/people trying to scam the business and de-rail the project. Which hasn't worked either... Every Epic story has a villain and we even got one of those.. lol

*Phone delivery - For everyone who doesn't watch the news, the K1s are produced but shipping has been held up because of the unrest in Hong Kong. The phones are being shipped to Germany and then sent on from there by Fedex. Corporate want us to have the phones right now but its out of their hands. As soon as they are shipped I will let everyone know.

* There is a new website on the way :) It will have the CEM locator and lots of other cool features. Look out for it.

*Please take the time to watch the four videos uploaded on the official Karatbars Youtube channel yesterday.

They include Markus explaining Kmerchant, Harald explaining the company progress, (And his new haircut lol ), Ovidiu explaining all the tech stuff and Josip explaining the future plans... Many of the questions you are sending me are answered in these four videos... Get a coffee, watch them tonight.. whatever... Just please watch them.

*Harald Seiz meanwhile never sleeps and is working flat out for us. Yesterday he was at the NASDAQ in New York and today he is in Atlanta.

He is doing a series of interviews with major USA TV networks while will ultimately improve the profile of the company. Everyone needs to be fully aware that everything will happen because of Harald and he sheer determination and work ethic.

Things only seem delayed because the rest of the company are trying to keep up with him. He sets very high goals with very short timescales to achieve them and that's what has kept the company moving forward since 2011.

Keep doing what you are doing Harald!

* Synergy Group World Tour - Nitsa Nakos, who is also on the Leadership council is doing a world tour at the moment and I recommend going along to one of her events if you can. Look at it as an opportunity to bring some people and grow your business.

You can see the list of countries at

* There is a new event website which is currently being populated with photos such as the one above. It will also have ranks recognition and much more..

Its not 100% finished but you can have a sneak peak at it now at

*Kmerchant tutorials - Lot's of you have asked for those and as I said in my last Newsletter the BEST training you can have is to set up your own and see how it works. To back it up here is a series of kmerchant training videos to help you if you get stuck - HERE

*You can buy as many Profit Packages as you like. I have people who are buying 1 x €150 profit package every Friday when they get paid. Its a great way to stock up on KCB. They are only available until 15th December so around 11 weeks.

*The buyer and seller bonuses for all products are at the bottom of this Newsletter and also in the downloads section in the website.

* and are basically the same website. Its the same back office and database. Imagine a store with two entrances, its like that. Karatbars had to create a different website to sell crypto products but needed to keep the same database for us. This was the clever solution.

*New Karatcrypto video - I am working on the scripts, videos etc and it will be ready next week some time.

*WHIM's - Please understand how much value there is in the two WHIM bundles. For €2600 you get €5200 of KCB, VIP Status and your WHIM too!

For €5200 you get €10,400 of KCB, A WHIM, A K1 Impulse and VIP status too!

*K1 Impulse - The K1 Impulse packages are selling really well too. Anoher great way t get the phone and business status in Karatbars.

I really wish I had these products when I started six years ago. I built my business on 1g to 5g classic cards which I can assure you was not easy. We have lots of choice and products to sell now.

Your Plan For The Week

My approach would be to become an expert in one thing and sell that.

Become the best at whatever part you are most excited by.

1. Start doing live meetings and become a team builder. We need thousands of new affiliates and it is a great way to earn through leverage.

2. If you love the K1 Impulse or WHIM learn them inside out, set up your marketing to focus on one of them and become an expert seller of that product. (or both)

3. Focus on KMerchant - Learn it inside out, learn how the APIs work, brand your social media and yourself as Mr/Mrs Kmerchant

4. Same with CEM's. Position yourself as the go to person in your city/country for CEMs.

5. Become a cashgold /saving expert. Focus on helping people buy a €150 Profit package to get some crypto and then saving x per week /month in cashgold.

I am in a different position as I have been in the business for six years and I have all sorts of people on my group to look after. I have to become a master of every part of the business but someone just starting does not.

Let me give you an example...

If you were to focus completely on Kmerchant. Learn how the software works, go out at 9am on Monday morning and start talking to shopkeepers. Your rejection rate will be high but it will improve as you go along. The shopkeepers will give you their feedback, tell you what they want etc.

If you do it every day for six months you will be registering two or three shops per day and registering Kmerchants will become second nature to you. After a while you will be just working off referrals from happy shopkeepers and you won't be doing any more selling.

Imagine in six months you have 100 Kmerchants earning you just €10 each per week. That's €1000 per week in passive income. What about 1000 Kmerchants and €10,000 per week? .. There are no limits on how many you can register.

The moral of the story is that you don't need to know everything about Karatbars and every product to become successful with this Ecosystem.

So take a day to think about which products or aspect of the business you enjoy and are excited about and get to work.

Our new Karatcrypto video will be a general introduction to the whole ecosystem so you will still be able to show it to everyone.

Your Choice

With all that said you can completely disregard everything I said and do it your own way because its your business and you get to decide how it runs. I did it my way when I started and created the business I wanted.

Harald Seiz will deliver the products as he has always done. The finance team will take the customers payments, the support teams will handle support, deliveries will deliver your customers products, IT will keep the websites running and the finance team will pay your commissions to you every Friday morning as they always have.

I can sit in my Villa in Malta, work when I want happy in the knowledge that those people are in their departments doing forty hours a week working pretty much for me.

You have all those people waiting to work for you too, for free. You don't have to buy stock, do payroll, ship anything or any of the annoying stuff most business owners need to.

The only thing you have to do is learn your products and share the videos or go talk to business owners about CEM's/Kmerchant. You don't need to be smart to do well in this business, just consistent.

That's all from me for today...I hope its been useful and you are starting to get an idea of the magnitude of what has been achieved here. I hope you also appreciate the size of the opportunity you have to become extremely wealthy in the next twelve months.

I'm off for a swim with the children.. :)

My payback for the 12 hour days I did when I started in 2013... That's the idea in creating residual/passive income...... Sacrifice a few days now so you can enjoy every day later.

Have a great weekend..


As always - Stay plugged into all the official channels for the latest news and updates.

Karatbars Youtube -

Karatbars Facebook -

Brian McGinty
Karatbars International
Skype - onlinecompanyreview
USA Office +1 917 477 7403
UK Office: +44 (0) 2891 871 374
Mobile/Cell/Whatsapp: +44 (0) 7511650427

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