Subject: Absolute Last Chance

You are receiving this email because you are a member at Karatbars and your sponsor is John Duncan. I do not give investment advice. All content herein is based on my understanding of information supplied to me and my own opinion of how this works.
Problems? No  - Challenges...
I'm going to keep this real brief. After this email, I want to start telling you about just how good the Karatbars business you've joined is. So far we've only scratched the surface.

It has now been confirmed that there will be no extension of the sub 1 cent purchase offer on KaratgoldCoin (KBC) beyond 15th June (Friday) so you really do have just two days left.

Some people are still in various unfinished states with regard to KYC (unbelievably). Some would call these requirements problems, I prefer the word challenges or even obstacles that you just haven't got over yet. 

Whatever is holding you up from doing the KYC and moving on, just sort it and then you can take advantage of this offer. If you've hit the "I can't be bothered" wall then don't be surprised if you find out later that you missed out on a fortune.  

If you have any issues at all with documents not approved or not uploaded, simply call the number below to get it resolved. That will be much faster now than trying to get it done through me:

EU Support phone number: +49 (0) 711 128 970 00 - KYC based and site access issues only.

That number is in Germany so expect someone on the other end who may not be totally fluent in English. However, their English should be good enough that they can understand what your problem is. 

Have your KBars username and email address ready and they can help with whatever your problem is.

Unless, of course, you have uploaded nothing at all then they clearly can't help.

Once you have the KYC side done, you can go on to purchase your Cashgold, register your Karatpay account, convert Cashgold to crypto tokens at that crazy rate of around 0.007 Eurocents and you are set.

Setting up you Ether Wallet is the last part you need worry about and that can be done after the KBC token purchase.

If you get your purchase in before the deadline 15th June and then hold those tokens until Christmas 2018, you will then also be able to claim an additional 35% on top of the tokens you hold providing you don't sell any of them before Christmas.

That is huge...35,000 additional tokens for every 100,000 purchased.

You really want to get on and do this. You will find that we will get some new announcements after the special offers are done abut where KBars are going. 

They are going to be building their own central exchange where you will be able to go and buy gold, sell gold, convert it to fiat currency and cryptocurrency and even bring crypto on to the exchange to convert to gold and fiat.

In addition, of course, to some big crypto exchange listings for the KBC token during the year.

Let the journey commence...

John Duncan,
SKYPE: profitmagnets 
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