Subject: A Very Good Place To Start

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Not everybody is looking for additional income or an alternative business should the future not go to plan and I respect that. Some of you are already where you want to be and I admire that.

I should remind you that I first got into Karatbars because of a wish to buy gold at a good price and it may have just remained as that however, the realisation that it also offered a fabulous business opportunity or additional income stream came later - when I saw a video from a man called Brian McGinty who I am now happy and pleased to call a friend.

Now the gold price on offer here is amazing. We can access 1 gram of 24 karat, 999.9 finest quality gold at around £38 and, best of all, we can keep that stored, have it digitalized and instantly sell it whenever we want on the Karatbit exchange. No other gold based sales company in the world can offer that. 

Feel free to do your own research but I assure you that you cannot buy 1 gram (or smaller) units of gold (of the same quality) anywhere else at the price Karatbars offer, especially not with the same security features and flexibility.

And now there are the profit packages, unbelievable value in their own right. If we take just the €3,000 pack as an example. It comes with VIP affiliate status (that basically puts you on the highest commission payout level). It comes with €3,000 worth of KCB (that will alone be worth a minimum of €5,333 in just one year from now - and maybe a lot more*** see notes at bottom) and 8.7 grams of gold along with some seriously useful marketing discount codes.

Every profit package from the starter one, at just €150, upwards is designed to more than pay for itself in KCB value alone. Anything else that comes with it is, effectively, eventually, yours at no cost. And that is if you do nothing about bringing other people into the Karatbars family. Someone actively doing that will get their money back over and over again for just sharing a bloody good idea with others!

But let's talk gold momentarily - I look at all the people that have come into Karatbars since I started to talk about it and I find myself stunned at how few of them really are taking advantage of this opportunity to simply buy gold at this price. Especially as I don't ever speak to anyone who doesn't think owning gold is a good idea! It confuses me no end and I fail to understand why.

However, as important as I personally believe gold is and will increasingly become in the future, that isn't why I am sending this message out today.

It would be remiss of me not to occasionally remind those of you who are affiliate members of the Karatbars Group of companies that this affiliation can offer a very simple secondary income and, for those who are a little more adventurous, a substantial additional income and, of course, a way to invest in your own regular gold savings from commissions generated by introductions.

Is it wrong to tell people that you believe gold should be a critical part of what we put money into given that it has been the only real money for, literally, thousands of years? After all, you would not hesitate to recommend a good restaurant or a local garage service you use. 

The problem that everyone always throws back at me as to why they do not mention this opportunity to others is that they do not know what to say. But there is a solution, a very simple solution and that is to let someone else say it for you. My approach to anyone on a personal basis (which would include phone calls etc) is this:

"It seems to me that gold is the only true, time tested, safe harbour for money that can always be relied on. So I make sure that I buy some gold every month - sometimes only in small amounts, £20, £30 worth - but it is good to have that extra bit of security, after all, no-one knows when the next big financial crisis is going to hit and gold is the first thing that the big money runs to. I also use the business I discovered to earn a little extra income and, if you want, I can show you a video that explains it all very simply. Have a look and then come back to me."

I then give that person a link to Brian McGinty's business overview video and they either get involved or they don't or, as sometimes happens, they come back to me with some questions. If they don't come back at all, I don't chase them but I do try to encourage them to let me stay in touch by email occasionally. It is surprising how often someone I spoke to months ago suddenly comes back again though. And remember, I got started with Karatbars after watching one of Brian's videos!

If they are people close to you, family members etc. you could always send them one of the Karatbars gold gift cards.

There's plenty of evidence out there (like the article I link to below) that gives a clear indication of why we should all be buying gold. And is it wrong to earn money from introductions? Absolutely not. Everyone in any form of people based, product based commerce earns from introducing others or bringing in new customers by spending on advertising and so on. Ads are just sales people that don't require pensions or sick leave!

Each and every one of you can have access to and use Brian's video (updated to reflect where we are in 2019), personalised to your own affiliate link and page. You need only email him and ask for one. As you can see, my page is personalised to John Duncan, yours would be personalized with your own name or Karatbars username:

Brian's email is

Take a look at the video, it may give you some ideas and knowledge you did not have before along with a little more confidence in this great business. Give some serious thought to getting some gold behind you (it can only make sense in the long run) and help yourself to have a fabulous and more secure 2019.

One (almost) final thing: I constantly hear people saying that they don't get involved because it is multi-level or network marketing (which, done properly can be the best business model there is). Well, actually it isn't network or multi-level marketing in the pure sense. 

It is affiliate-based marketing that rewards people who build a business and in so doing take Karatbars to a wider and wider audience. As with any good meritocracy, the more work you do, the more money you are likely to make. Outside of vocational careers (which more often than not require years of training and study), it is generally the only way that ordinary people can create rewarding futures for themselves with no need for special skills or the risks associated with running their own companies. You, I and others need only to have something to show someone else - like the video above.

And, anyway, there is absolutely nothing wrong with network marketing providing it is carried out honestly and ethically. I have all of my utilities, phone, internet, gas, electricity and mobile with a company called Utility Warehouse. One of the most highly respected companies in the UK. Their entire business model is built on network marketing. Why? Because it works where normal methods of (very expensive) traditional advertising no longer work as well as they used to.

So don't, please, be fooled into thinking that this business method is any different to that of any respectable retailer of any goods just because it is "new" to you and never listen to anything that someone tells you unless they have proven themselves to be experts or at least highly knowledgeable in the field. Most naysayers are people who have failed and cannot stand the idea of anyone succeeding where they did not - a good lesson to remember.

If I can help you with anything at all in 2019 - just ask and I will do what I can. Have a great 2019 and GET SOME GOLD!

Huge tip - if you are married, have a live in partner you are happy to share with etc. Sign them into the business and get them to buy the gold - that way you'll get a little back from the purchase in commission and you could, if you wanted, use that to buy some more gold for yourself (or not, up to you).  

Just make sure you have maximised your commission potential first (based, of course) on what you can afford and signed up for your own KBars mastercard so that you can get paid commissions instantly. Profit packages will give you the commission status built in (bronze, silver, gold or VIP - the difference is the overall earnings potential). The €150 and €350 packages will give you bronze status. The €750 and €1,250 packages, silver, €1,700 and €2,300 gold and then everything above will give you VIP status - that's the top level and the one I am on.


Ps - If any of you have a need to find a way to earn some serious interest on more substantial sums of money - just take a look at the €25k and above profit packages and remember, the KCB alone on these will more than pay back the amount invested once the internal main net and coin merge has happened at Karatbars (scheduled for end of 2019 early 2020). Imagine your bank giving you an annual bonus in gold. Feel free to ask myself or Brian M about these special packs.

*** KCB will merge with KBC in October 2019 after the launch of the new main net. After that the new Gold Standard Coin will be created and all KBC and KCB will merge into those. Come January 2020 each 75 of the new merged coin will be exchangeable for 1 gram of gold. Thus the 30,000 (approx.) KCB acquired in a €3,000 euro profit package are likely to be worth at least €5,333 on their own based on a €40 per gram gold price in January 2020 and, in all probability, much more.

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