Subject: [M&M Insights] Facebook Changes and Making Smart Choices

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Mindset & Marketing Insights
Your Weekly Dose of M&Ms.
Week of April 27, 2015

Hi Friend- Get Excited & Stay Excited™!!

You may or may not have recognized that I didn't send out a weekly newsletter these past 2 weeks.  This was intentional.  I was working on spreading the word about my new newsletter AND I wanted to give time for everyone to consume the information I shared in the first edition. Then I wanted to get on the schedule of sending out the newsletter on Mondays.  We'll see how this works.  You're more than welcome to send me feedback about the best day to receive my newsletter.

There is a bunch of information in this week's newsletter.  Facebook has some major changes that you may or may not know about.  I wanted to clue you in on that as well as on some other information.  I truly hope you enjoy this week's message and all the information I've prepared for you.  

Remember, I LOVE feedback... so please let me know how you like this new newsletter and how it is helping you.  I do appreciate constructive feedback as well, lol.  So don't be afraid to be 100% honest.  Share this via email and social media with others you think can benefit from this (share buttons located at the bottom of this newsletter)! Enjoy!!!!

Blessings, Love & Light...
As I shared in my first newsletter...since I'm working on launching a free Facebook training course, I am focusing on providing tips for Facebook networking and marketing from other experts.  So this week's featured content is....

Facebook is making some "friendlier" changes.  At first when I heard about it, I was a bit sure if I'd care for it.  They are actually pretty beneficial.  Here are my take-a-ways from this article:
  • You will no longer miss updates from the friends you care about.  You're going to see more content from the friends you interact most with.  They are going to put those posts (including videos, pictures, etc) higher up in the newsfeed.
  • Facebook is really trying to balance what we see in our newsfeeds.  Facebook initially was preventing us from seeing multiple posts from the same source in a row (pages and friends).  They are actually relaxing this rule.  This way we can interact even more in our newsfeed, especially if you're someone that runs out of content.
  • Facebook is moving the posts we see that show what our friends have liked or commented on lower down in the newsfeed or even not at all.  [I'm not for sure if I like this one, but they've received a lot of feedback from users against wanting to see that.]
I know many of us who utilize Facebook pages are wondering how all of these changes will affect us.  Most likely post reach and referral traffic will decline; especially if you don't have fans who are interacting on your page consistently.  According to Facebook, "The impact of these changes on your page’s distribution will vary considerably depending on the composition of your audience and your posting activity." This is challenging us to make sure we post things that people find interesting and meaningful.  They provide tips for this.  Ultimately we have to keep in mind that the goal of the newsfeed is to show the content that matters most to you.  Facebook wants to make sure they are providing us with the right mix of updates from friends and pages.  My advice is to encourage your community on your Page to add your page to their FAVORITES and make sure you are posting truly valuable content to your page to keep them engaged.  I, myself, am working on making sure I'm doing this and doing it consistently.  Take a peek at the article to see more information...

Other Articles:
Smart Choices Smooth the Path
"To design the future effectively, you must first let go of your past." — Charles J. Givens

I learned something profound in one of the days in Oprah's and Deepak's 21 day meditation series (Manifesting True Success).  To reinforce and teach us that success comes from making dynamic choices not bound by old habits and beliefs, they taught us about an acronym SMART:
S – Stretch more than you can reach
M – Make everything measurable
A – Agreement with your inner self and those around you
R – Record your progress
T – Time limits for acting and getting a result 

Oprah said, "Smart choices require us to move outside our comfort zone and familiar boundaries."  This is so true.  We often get too comfortable either with where we are or where we are going or what we are doing because we have some fear about being successful.  Do you think this is true? What are your thoughts?
I don't have a video to show this week.  I wanted to share an article on how-to not be a boring blogger since some of you requested some how-to's on blogging.  I really found this information resourceful.

By the way, I'm looking for how-to requests from you.  What content would you like to see from me?  What are some things you need help with step-by-step?  Send me an email to let me know and I may just make a video for you and feature it in the next newsletter.  Send it to me by Thursday, April 30th.
Having access to the right tools is an essential component when owning a business.  However, they do not replace your own income producing actions.  Instead they should be used to ENHANCE what you're doing and even simplify some of your more daunting tasks.

I'm resharing this information from the last newsletter because the affordable price of this software/system including the bonuses are closing today (it may have already closed/ended).

Many of you have been asking what system is right to use for hosting webinars.  I know Go-to-Webinar and many others alike are uber expensive and then the free ones like AnyMeeting have limitations and ads.  A long time ago I even featured an article on my blog that I had written with Alternatives to Go-To-Webinar and WebEx (I will be updating that one). 

I have been fortunate to have an amazing system called WebinarJam Studio that I feel has the best support (when needed) and works the best for my business needs.  It utilizes Google Hangouts but provides so much more like: active offers (like QVC format), spotlighting your attendees (great for live testimonials), hybrid webinars where you can use preloaded videos then switch back to live and so much more... So if you already are using webinars for your business or you are looking to start using webinars, I highly recommend you taking a look at this.  There is a limited time offer going on right now.  I am extending the gift of my paid advanced Facebook Course ($367+ value) that will be launched soon to the next lucky person who get this tool before the Grand Opening ends.  
My new step-by-step 7 part video tutorial series on how to use Facebook for business networking is almost complete. This is my FREE gift to you. So stay tuned for this!
In the upcoming weeks I will be launching my new online academy- Novice Marketer's Academy.  There will be tons of courses to help you step-by-step improve your marketing and business skills.
In addition to the online academy, I will be launching a new training webinar/hanginar series for my Novice Marketers!  These will be either weekly or bi-weekly. I cannot wait for this!

These webinars will be jampacked with valuable content and you'll have access to me LIVE!
I had a radio show called Entrepreneur Talk (ET) that I postponed for personal reasons, but plan to resume the show as it will go right along with the webinars/hanginars and academy! 

You can listen to one of the first shows I had.  
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