Subject: Sci-fi & Fantasy Genre Report 2022 feat. 174 categories

Sci-fi & Fantasy Genre Report 2022 feat. 174 categories

May 13th, 2022 at 5:13 pm EDT

Hi Friend, Amazon Kindle currently features 30 Kindle categories, 418 sub-categories, more than 2,780 sub-sub-categories, and another 4,600+ Level 4 and Level 5 categories. Here is an example of such a Level 5 category: Teen Young Adult Science F ...

Fascinating makeovers

May 9th, 2022 at 7:33 am EDT

Hi Friend, To all moms, I hope you had a fabulous Mother's Day. And to all fathers, sons, and daughters, I trust you brought presents and flowers and created a special occasion. Monday morning: back to business, back to normal? Noope! We should trea ...

Need a better book sales page? (Let's check)

May 4th, 2022 at 3:27 pm EDT

Hi Friend, In my message earlier this week here, we examined how a lack of coherence in your offering can bring the book consumer's buying journey to an abrupt halt. If you'd like to learn how to avoid this trap in practice, please click here and re ...

Need a stronger book sales page? (Let's check)

May 4th, 2022 at 11:18 am EDT

Hi Friend, Want to learn how to ensure your whole book sales page passes the quality bar and gets readers to click the Buy button? Click here and register on the next page to join Bryan Cohen and me for a free class on getting more readers coming Th ...

Free Book Marketing Class | Thursday 5

May 2nd, 2022 at 9:29 am EDT

Hi Friend, Want to learn how to ensure your whole book sales page passes the quality bar and gets readers to click the Buy button? Click here and register on the next page to join Bryan Cohen and me for a free class on getting more readers coming Th ...

When Romance meets the stars

April 28th, 2022 at 2:46 pm EDT

Hi Friend, At first sight, Romance and Science Fiction seem largely incompatible genres. And for the most part they are if you examine the reader demographics of the two categories. However, that does not prevent authors from blending the two and ea ...

Historical Fiction & Historical Mystery 2022

April 21st, 2022 at 8:15 pm EDT

Hi Friend, If you want to transport yourself and your readers to another time, why not try historical fiction? Given the never-ending news about ongoing crises and conflicts these days, it makes perfect sense to wish one was in a different era. OK, ...

Romance Genre Report 2022 Spring Edition

April 13th, 2022 at 7:09 pm EDT

Hi Friend, We just released the 2022 spring edition of our K-lytics Romance market seminar. The report provides a complete overview of all categories available in the uncontested #1 market on Kindle: ROMANCE! Good News! This February, the average s ...

Female Protagonist Mystery, Thriller, Suspense 2022

April 6th, 2022 at 7:15 pm EDT

Hi Friend, One of the leading U.K. newspapers reported that "Without women, the novel would die." And further, "Women are fiction's life support system – buying 80% of all novels." Unsurprisingly, this huge demand has also been increasingly met by ...

Women's Fiction with Magical Powers

March 22nd, 2022 at 10:00 pm EDT

Hi Friend, Let's talk about an emerging genre of its own: Paranormal Women's Fiction, It features powerful heroines kicking their midlife problems to hell with sass, magic, mystery, and adventure. Think of movies like The Witches of Eastwick or Prac ...