Subject: Mastering Amazon Data: 90-min. FREE training session

Mastering Amazon Data: 90-min. FREE training session

September 21st, 2018 at 1:43 pm EDT

Hi Friend, During the last months, I had the pleasure to deliver my "Mastering Amazon Data To Sell More Books" webinar a few times. It was an honor to be hosted by Joanna Penn, Chris Fox, Bryan Cohan, Thomas Umstattd Jr., and the Florida Writers Ass ...

Stop underestimating this genre

September 18th, 2018 at 9:07 am EDT

Hi Friend, The popularity of crime and mystery novels shows no sign of retiring. One market has been performing particularly well: Cozy Mystery. If you have never looked into "cozies," here are three important market facts: Monthly royalties earne ...

Taking a look at an author bundle deal

September 10th, 2018 at 6:15 pm EDT

Hi Friend, Are you a deal seeker when it comes to author tools, courses, services and writing resources? - If yes, have a look at today's Write-Publish-Profit Super Stack that K-lytics member Cary Richards has put together. The offer brings you 36 a ...

Romance - Latest Results

September 5th, 2018 at 3:27 pm EDT

Hi Friend, we just released the new edition of our K-lytics Romance Genre Report. This new edition provides the complete overview of all book categories available in this uncontested #1 market on Kindle. For the first time, we also report on the per ...

New Mystery Thriller Suspense Report 2018 (Expanded Edition)

August 20th, 2018 at 2:33 am EDT

Hi Friend, Here are three exciting facts I found out about this week:Mystery, Thriller Suspense (MTS) has seen a 4-year upward trend on Kindle For the first time, MTS almost overtook Romance as the #1 best seller list on Kindle. (It was very close.) ...

K-lytics Publishing Trends August 2018

August 14th, 2018 at 7:22 pm EDT

Hi Friend, In this month’s edition of Kindle trends, we identified another two book categories for you that showed an Amazon rank improvement of more than 60% over the last eighteen months. There is also good news for Romance authors, as you will ...

Going down to Level 5

July 24th, 2018 at 3:51 pm EDT

Hi Friend, Amazon Kindle currently features 30 Kindle categories, 427 sub-categories, more than 2,500 sub-sub-categories and another 2,000+ Level 4 and Level 5 categories. Here is an example of such a Level 5 category: Teen Young Adult Science Fi ...

Beyond the normal

July 13th, 2018 at 11:48 am EDT

Hi Friend, Where vampires, shifters or aliens fall in love, there is big money: Paranormal romance is one of the highest-selling Romance e-book markets. Enough reason to take a closer look at this major market. In our PARANORMAL ROMANCE 2018 seminar ...

Nonfiction authors | industry news

July 10th, 2018 at 11:57 am EDT

Hi Friend, Let's face it: People want to be happier. They want to be better and more successful. They seek solutions. No wonder, the book industry for self-help is estimated to be worth $800 million in the U.S. alone and growing at 6% per year accor ...

Historical Romance Market Report - Edition 2018

June 29th, 2018 at 12:08 pm EDT

Hi Friend, Within Romance, we find more than 90 sub-markets. One of the big sub-genres is historical romance. It breaks down into categories such as Regency, Victorian, Historical Western, Scottish/Highlander Romance, Medieval Romance, Ancient Roma ...