Subject: Where Romance meets MTS - New K-lytics Report

Hi Friend,

Romance and MTS (Mystery/Thriller/Suspense) are the two highest-selling book markets in the Kindle store. No wonder the genre blend at the intersection—Romantic Suspense—has been so successful.

We received a lot of requests in recent months to cover this genre. And so I am proud to present our first-ever "Romantic Suspense Report."

It turns out that "Romance > Mystery & Suspense" is the second-highest-ranking sub-category out of more than 50 Romance sub-categories. And its five-year sales rank trend has been positive.

But the ratio between suspense and romance in a romantic suspense novel can vary considerably, as Amazon search results demonstrate.

So we decided to take a closer look as to what sells best these days.

Overall, this new report examines market segments, sales development, top authors, top publishers, "Virtual Top 100" bestseller list, top categories, keywords, leading cover art, high-selling characters, Kindle Unlimited vs. Non-KU performance, and more.

Research less, write more!

Get ahead of the game and be among the first to get your copy here:

=> Romantic Suspense Report | December 2020
     (First-ever Edition)

Happy writing, happy publishing!


P.S. Missed a report? - Get it here.
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