Subject: Visual Plotting on Steroids - [Replay is up]

Hi Friend,

Thanks to everyone who attended our live event last week (as recorded here).

Also, I would like to thank the many of you who already seized the opportunity of getting Plottr with the special discount we obtained for K-lytics clients.

I had a fantastic time with Ryan Zee and Troy Lambert from Plottr. These were 60+ minutes packed with insights, hands-on demo, and fun.

If you could not attend, imagine you could do the following:
  • Capture your ideas on scene cards in seconds
  • Visually drag and drop them across timelines and chapters
  • Move them vertically cross plotlines as you please
  • Get real-time assistance by proven plotting methods (or even create your own template)
  • Have your notes, characters, and places bible all in one place
  • Mark anything using color-coded tags for easy reference
  • Filter for anything in seconds
  • Visually inspect your whole outline for completeness and consistency
  • Export your whole plot into a text outline for Word or Scrivener
  • Design and manage the story not only for single books but for entire series
  • Capture ideas at any time by working seamlessly across devices and the cloud
  • and have fun while doing so.

I could go on, but these were some of the highlights I took home.
This tool helps you build a bridge between your idea for a book and typing "The End."

I recommend watching this in-depth demonstration if you want to see all of the above in action.

It was a pretty special event with the co-founder and educational lead from Plottr to answer your questions.


The replay is up here:

Save up to 30% on the new Plottr Pro here:

Happy writing, happy publishing,

Alex | e-book market intelligence for success

P.S. Missed the Cozy Mystery 2022 Market Seminar? You can still join here.

_____________ by Newton Production AG
Im Spiegelfeld 30 | 4102 Binningen | Switzerland

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