Subject: Trend Duration vs. Writing Time

Hi Friend,

Question: "How can I ever catch a trend if it takes me many months to write a book?"

Answer: "Significant book market trends are a matter of years, not months."

Last week, we launched our Billionaire Romance 2022 research report. 

The genre is a perfect example of the longevity of successful tropes. 

Check out the graph below.

It shows why billionaire romance—more than ten years after Fifty Shades of Grey—is even more attractive in 2022 than it was a year ago.  

(Click here if the graph does not display in your email)
The upper part of the graph depicts the search interest sparked by the original Fifty Shades novel and the trilogy's movie adaptions.

The biggest hype was in early 2015 when the first movie hit the theaters.

What happened then?

See the blue line in the bottom graph? It shows the number of new billionaire romance titles published on Kindle every month ("New Book Supply".)

New books soared to more than 250 per month by summer of 2015. 

It took two years for the publishing activity to drop back down to some 100 new billionaire titles per month, to then embark on a more steady growth journey. 

What about demand?

The red line shows the number of monthly searches on Google for "billionaire romance books" (or "novels") worldwide.

It took four years for interest in this coined "genre term" to grow from virtually zero to 8,000 book searches a month by mid-2016.

And here is the point: For the following six years, interest in billionaire romance books stayed right up there between 6,000 to 8,000 Google searches every month.

No Saturation

Then, this summer, the interest level surpassed the 8,000 mark again!

Demand seems on the rise again, while the supply of new books (and thus competition) has even declined recently. 

* * *

So don't let the time it takes you to write a book get in the way of being commercial about what you write. 

Trends are real. They can be used, often for many years.

See you there!

K-lytics | ebook market intelligence for success

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