Subject: Revealed: The #1 Thriller Genre 2023

Hi Friend,

Do you have what it takes to captivate your readers with heart-pounding suspense that delves into the twists and turns of dark secrets, crimes, and mysteries?

I'm talking about the kind of suspense where the protagonist's mind or the darker corners of the villain's psyche provide the battleground for life and death.

If you're looking to expand your horizons and take your writing to the next level, I have great news for you.

Psychological thrillers are currently the leading choice in the mystery, thriller, and suspense fiction market, and we're excited to announce the release of the K-lytics Psychological Thrillers Market Report 2023.

The numbers speak for themselves:

11 of the top 50 most popular Kindle books on Amazon in 2023 thus far are psychological thrillers, making up a mind-boggling 22% share.

The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose, the leading psychological thriller of the year, has consistently ranked in the Top 10 since August 2022 and has hit the #1 Best Seller Rank of the Kindle Store on 33 days since then.

Google searches for "psychological thriller books" have doubled over the last 5 years, and Thrillers » Psychological has grown to be the #1 highest-selling Kindle sub-category in Mystery, Thrillers & Suspense.

The K-lytics Psychological Thrillers Report 2023 (+ Video)

Our new report is packed with valuable insights and data-driven analysis that will help you take your writing and marketing in this genre to the next level.

You get all the data you need in a concise and easy-to-understand format:

Sales development, competition, the best categories, KU/Non-KU performance, high-selling cover art, top authors, publishers, optimal price points, power words for titles, keyword ideas, book descriptions, and more.

We also applied our text-mining approach to identify high-earning tropes, genre clichés, and characters.

As always, I will take you through the research results in a video and give you my take on the numbers and research findings.

Research less, write more! Be among the first to get your copy here:

Psychological Thrillers Report 2023 (+ Video)

     (New Edition)

Thanks a lot for your support. I hope to see you there.

Alex | e-book market intelligence for success

P.S. If you are interested in more than one genre/report, you can save by getting your K-lytics PREMIUM or ELITE membership here.
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