Subject: New Teen & YA Report: Massive changes

Hi Friend,

No matter whether you write Romance, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Mystery, or even nonfiction, teen and young adult readers represent a massive target group.
Teen and Young Adult has grown to be one of the top six bestseller lists on Kindle.

Yet, Amazon's recent change in bestseller list display policy has caused significant shifts in the Teen & YA bestseller lists.

While you can still put your book in up to 10 categories, the display of a book is now limited to three Kindle bestseller lists at one point in time (plus respective parent nodes in the bestseller list hierarchy).

As a result, many higher-ranking books were displaced from some Teen & YA bestseller (and other) lists when they already ranked elsewhere.
In other words, the Teen YA bestseller lists are no longer plastered with the very same “Harry Potter” book because the title in question already “used up” its three bestseller list display positions.

While many big-hitting authors who made ample use of categorization and thus ranking possibilities complain about decreased visibility, new opportunities have surfaced for lower-selling authors and books.

New K-lytics Teen YA Report 2022 Edition

I am therefore happy to announce our brand-new market research report on the Teen and Young Adult e-book market, where we examine the new performance levels of all Teen & YA categories.

In total, we cover 356 sub-markets in our Genre Report and take a closer look at the top-tier of the market in our Top-100 Analysis.

Be among the first to get this new report here:

     (NEW 2022 Edition)

Happy publishing,

Alex | e-book market intelligence for success

P.S. Missed a recent Genre Report? - Find it here

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