Subject: New Mystery Thriller Suspense Report - 2023 Spring Edition

Hi Friend,

The Mystery, Thriller & Suspense genre has maintained its strong market position on Kindle as we entered 2023.

However, as you may have heard or experienced, Amazon has changed its policy concerning the appearance of your books across bestseller lists.

Mystery, thriller, suspense, and crime fiction are no exception.

In fact, the composition of many MTS bestseller lists and the rankings of the books in them have changed drastically.

The good news is that this created many new ranking opportunities.

Therefore, I am delighted to announce the launch of our spring 2023 K-lytics Mystery, Thriller & Suspense market study.

The seminar video shows the most extensive impact analysis of Amazon's new bestseller ranking policy we have conducted thus far.
(The section starts 11 minutes 45 seconds into the seminar video.)

If you plan any book project with mystery, thriller, suspense, or crime elements in 2023, this study is for you.

In total, we examine the performance of 152 Amazon e-book categories.

Find out about trends, sales development, book supply, the best categories, up-trending markets, covers, top authors, publishers, keywords, price points, Kindle Unlimited vs. Non-KU, and more.

The seminar comes with two reports and my explanatory video, where I review some notable shifts in sub-genre market shares that we observed.

With this data, you will have more market insights than most publishers.

Research less, write more! Be among the first to get your copy here:

=> Mystery Thriller Suspense Report 2023
     (New Spring Edition)

Thanks a lot for your support. I hope to see you there.

Alex | e-book market intelligence for success

=> P.S. If you are interested in more than one report, you can save by getting your K-lytics PREMIUM or ELITE membership here.
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