Subject: Mastering Amazon Data: 90-min. FREE training session

Hi Friend,

During the last months, I had the pleasure to deliver my "Mastering Amazon Data To Sell More Books" webinar a few times. It was an honor to be hosted by Joanna Penn, Chris Fox, Bryan Cohan, Thomas Umstattd Jr., and the Florida Writers Association, and others.

Since then, I received a whole number of requests to make the webinar content available again. Some suggested that I should break it down into smaller training modules and post them in the K-lytics member's area. Maybe I should do so, but such projects take time, and I hate to keep people waiting.

Therefore, I decided to make available the recording of the whole 90-minute training session together with the time stamps of the topics covered. In essence, that gives you your TRAINING MODULES. All versions of the webinar were good, but I opted for "ladies first" and chose the recording I did with Joanna:


00:01:20 Introductions. Who is Alex Newton?
00:04:05 Beyond the Kindle gold rush. 

00:05:40 Facts about the Kindle self-publishing landscape today
00:07:30 Amazon Kindle revenue vs. ebook supply
00:09:55 Amazon sales rank and what many people miss
00:13:00 The basic formula behind the Amazon sales rank algorithm
00:15:40 What number one bestseller ranks really mean
00:18:30 The Amazon category hierarchy explained
00:19:47 Why book categories are essential for your book's visibility
00:22:30 How Harry Potter uses categories for increased visibility
00:25:55 The highest-selling and worst categories on Kindle

00:30:00 Step 1: Author Goals - Two fundamental questions explored
00:33:21 Step 2: Finding high-selling categories
00:33:47 The difference between bestseller lists and search results display
00:34:48 Actual data: The highest selling Kindle subcategories
00:36:00 How to gauge books sales trends - examples
00:38:00 Amazon book search hack: negative search operators
00:40:00 Step 3: How to balance book supply and book demand
00:42:00 Example: Gothic Romance vs. Romantic Erotica
00:44:15 Romance: performance differences of 60 categories
00:44.52 Science Fiction and Fantasy: from niches to mainstream
00:45:45 Step 4: Finding categories that are easy to rank in
00:46:45 People gaming the Amazon Kindle category system
00:48:30 Step 5 How to ensure broad exposure of your book
00:49:20 Example: Bella Forrest - Books with more than 10 categories
00:50:00 Step 6 Finding categories that have a topical fit with your book
00:51:16 Amazon hack: How to find all categories that a book is using
00:55:17 How to find and get into all these desired categories?
00:56:00 BISAC Codes and KDP Dashboard vs. the Amazon storefront


00:59:30 How K-lytics has the research already done for you
01:00:00 K-lytics genre database demonstration
01:01:00 Book trend and book genre monitoring
01:10:30 Live question and answer session
01:13:30 Typical content of genre seminars
01:15:00 Top selling cover research example
01:16:00 More about K-lytics memberships
01:18:00 Print book vs. ebook penetration by genre
01:20:00 Kindle hack: How to determine the exact size of a category in 2018
01:25:00 How to ensure sales rank fluctuations do not lead you astray
01:26:15 Full demo of a K-lytics genre seminar content
01:29:00 Author rank, category rank, and wrap-up and contact information

Yes, we covered quite a bit of ground. And here you find it all in one place.
=> START THE TRAINING (no sign-up or login required)
Best regards,


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