Subject: How to make better decisions as a writer?

Hi Friend,

The new year started with good news for authors:

Amazon's KDP Global Select Fund of royalties paid out to indie authors and publishers closed the year 2021 at a total sum of $450.1 million. 

That's a 19.4% increase over the year before!

Even if you have chosen not to go exclusive with Amazon and put your book into Kindle Unlimited, this number is a highly encouraging market indicator. 

2021 was another year of massive growth in digital reading and publishing.

So what are your decisions for 2022 to participate in this game?

As an author, you make decisions all the time: genre selection, story, tropes, characters, titles, covers, keywords, categories, pricing, ...

Would you like to know how to enrich your decision-making with hard facts about your market and readers’ preferences?

My friends at Mark Dawson's Self-Publishing Formula University recently invited me to deliver a 90-minute training on How To Use Data To Make Better Decisions as a writer. 

To help you in your writing ambitions this year, we are making this 90-minute training and Q&A session also available here.

The training comes with a special-time limited offer for memberships.

The best deal is for the K-lytics ELITE membership: If you get a K-LYTICS ELITE ANNUAL membership until the end of the week, you will get 6 free ELITE tier bonus months on top!

In short, you have the unique opportunity to get K-lytics ELITE with access to all resources (all K-lytics reports, monthly category performance database, all videos, etc.) for less than the price of a PREMIUM membership when compared on a monthly basis.


Research less, write more! 

Yours sincerely,
Alex | e-book market intelligence for success

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Im Spiegelfeld 30 | CH-4102 Binningen

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