Subject: Free Class on Selling More Books (March 15)

Hi Friend,

Yes, readers do judge books by their covers.

This is why it’s worth it to put out a book with a professional-looking cover.

But studies have shown that readers very often care less about the cover and more about something many authors neglect…

Your book can have a beautiful cover and incredible words on the inside and still not sell if you fall short on the words OUTSIDE of your book.

Your book description. Your Facebook and Amazon ad copy. The one-liner you use to describe the book to friends, family, and potential buyer.

If copywriting (the marketing words outside of your book) isn’t your strength, then the people who browse your book online may never become buyers.

Fortunately, you can get better with practice.

My friend and USA Today bestselling author Bryan Cohen has helped thousands of authors and publishers improve their copywriting abilities, and now he’s here to help you do the same.

This coming Thursday at 4 pm Eastern, I am hosting a free class with Bryan to help you improve your book descriptions, your ads, and much more.

>> Your Free Masterclass <<

There will be a Q&A session for everyone who shows up live, so make sure to mark your calendar for this momentous class.

Thanks for reading. See you on Thursday!


e-book market intelligence for success

PS: Here’s the link for Thursday's free training session one more time:
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