Subject: Fascinating makeovers

Hi Friend,

To all moms, I hope you had a fabulous Mother's Day.

And to all fathers, sons, and daughters, I trust you brought presents and flowers and created a special occasion.

Monday morning: back to business, back to normal? Noope
! We should treat our moms with love and respect all year long, every day, every year! But you know that.

In the same way that a smile and small gestures of love and kindness can make all the difference in our daily family relationships, ...

...a few targeted changes to a book's title, blurp, cover, series name, keywords, and categories can significantly impact its sales performance.

Last week, I had the pleasure to host an almost two-hour training about "Book Sales Page Makeovers."

Special guest Bryan Cohen went through all the critical steps to revamp a book's sales page and shared some great case studies.

For example, who would have guessed before the makeover that this book was a middle-grade fantasy novel?

Or take the following before/after comparison. The makeover version presents a cover and a new title that stand the test of a professional religious/supernatural thriller title.
A design-to-market cover art, genre-specific fonts and styles, reworked titles, series, and book descriptions make all the difference.

And the recorded 2-hour training will show you how to go about such a task.

However, unless you are a superhero, it can take a lot of time and effort to achieve professional results along all the desired dimensions of a book's selling proposition.

Even if you outsource the cover art to a professional designer, how much time does it take you to do the required genre research, select and brief the designer, manage the process, and ensure the cover aligns with all the other components?

Exactly! You could probably write half a book or at least some chapters during that time instead.

What's the solution? — Image you could hand it all off and get a complete book sales page transformation (including a new cover) done by a professional team at a super-attractive price?

I am happy to tell you that that is precisely the new done-for-you service package that Bryan Cohen and his team crafted for authors like you.

This is a full-service, done-for-you sales page transformation.

Bryan and his team and I will get you a brand-new cover, optimized title/subtitle, professional blurb, and even improved metadata (i.e., Categories and Keywords)…

There are three packages available. They are all amazing, but the top one is just stellar:

+ Custom, done-for-you book description
+ Multiple revisions
+ Premium formatting with Amazon HTML code
+ Copy for one Facebook direct sales ad
+ 10 headlines for Amazon advertising copy
+ A genre-appropriate title, subtitle, and series title for your book
+ Guidance on the proper price for your book to sell the most copies in your genre
+ The exact 7 KDP Keywords and most relevant Categories to give your book the best chance to sell
+ A professional book cover that fits with your genre
+ A live small-group coaching session with an Author Ad School Certified Coach
+ more than five bonuses, including top-tier courses and workshops.

How much is all this? Just $697 (or three payments of $267)
And you'll have all tasks completed in 6 weeks or less, including a 100% satisfaction/money-back guarantee!

Having been in the industry for years, I can tell you this is very competitive. Many providers will charge you a multiple of this just for a book cover alone.

So if you want to energize your book marketing with a professionally designed sales sage transformation…

...I invite you to get the K-lytics special for this service before the offer expires this Tuesday.

Click the link here and select Add on the next page to claim your offer today!

Happy writing, happy book page makeover,
Alex | ebook market intelligence for success

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Im Spiegelfeld 30 | 4102 Binningen | Switzerland

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