Subject: Cleaning up my list / Unsubscribing for you

Hi Friend,

one resolution that many of my clients had going into 2016 was to declutter their inbox.

Cleaning up, unsubscribing from the newsletters one never cares to read, etc.

But it goes both ways. I mean, it also applies to me as a sender.

I do not want to bother people with emails they do not want.

That is also in my best interest because no engagement and bounces hurt the deliverability of my emails to those people who do want to read it.

If you are in marketing yourself, email deliverability is factor you should definitely have a look at in 2017.

Therefore, I want to create a win-win for both of us.

I notice you have not opened any of emails in the last 6 months (at least according to my records.)

If you want to unsubscribe, you can ignore this mail; I will do it for you.

If you want to continue to receive my mails, please let me know by replying to this one.

And if you do, you could help me by answering any or all of these three questions:

1) What book market, genre or hot topic would you like K-lytics to cover in 2017?

2) If you landed a #1 bestseller as a writer, what would you give yourself as a treat?

3) Aside from writing or publishing, what activities do you love most in your life?

I look forward to hearing from you.

And if I do not, I thank you for having been on my list. You can always come back to us if you need us.

Best regards,


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P.S. Latest research: The 2nd hottest genre on Kindle right now:

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.