Subject: Back to basics

Hi Friend,

Many authors use the Amazon book Kindle store to research their genre, book projects, or their competition. If you know how to maneuver the store and where to find specific pieces of information, Amazon offers a wealth of insights.

But when you research your genre or target market, you have to know how to navigate the Kindle store and understand what each of the views means and actually displays. Otherwise, you may misinterpret the search or browse results.

  • Do you know how to quickly navigate to the pages that are relevant for authors and publishers?

  • Do you know the sequence in which Amazon displays books in browser categories and searches?

  • Do you know the difference between "browse categories" and "bestseller lists"? (No, they are not the same if you thought so.)

I put together a brief video that explains some of the very basics that are often forgotten (or perhaps not eve
n known to some).

(The link goes via Facebook. It should work even if you do know have an FB account. Simply click on the post.)

Happy publishing!


ebook market intelligence for success

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