Subject: A Simply Fantastic Genre (New Research)

Hi Friend,

Do you want to find the perfect blend of fantasy and romance? Get the insights in our latest genre report.

Here is a recipe for success:

Take Romance, the uncontested #1 genre on Kindle.

Now pair the heat and emotional depth of romance with fantastical world-building, innovative magic systems, and a set of complex characters.

Then add strong female protagonists who are powerful, independent, and capable of holding their own. I mean heroines who are inspiring to many romance (and even non-romance) readers and offer a refreshing alternative to a traditional damsel in distress trope.

The result? Fantasy Romance! — A large and fast-growing romance market with books that sell like hotcakes.

On Kindle, Fantasy Romance is the 3rd highest-selling romance sub-category, after romantic comedy and romantic suspense.

Fantasy Romance sales and growth have surpassed those of its huge cousin genres, paranormal romance and urban fantasy. (!!!)

Therefore, I am happy to announce the release of our latest genre research:

The K-lytics Fantasy Romance Report 2023 (+ Video)

We packed our report with valuable insights and data-driven analyses that will help you take your writing and marketing in this genre to the next level.

You get all the data you need in a concise and easy-to-understand format:

Sales development, competition, the best categories, KU/Non-KU performance, high-selling cover art, top authors, publishers, optimal price points, power words for titles, keyword ideas, book descriptions, and more.

And we also applied our text-mining approach to identify high-earning themes, genre clichés, characters, and fantasy locations.

As always, I will take you through the research results in a seminar video and give you my take on the numbers.

Research less, write more! Be among the first to get your copy here:


Yours sincerely,
Alex | e-book market intelligence for success

=> P.S. If you are interested in more than one report, you can save by getting your K-lytics PREMIUM or ELITE membership here.

Recent reports: Mystery/Thriller/Suspense, Romantic Comedy, Psychological Thrillers, Epic Fantasy, Second Chance Romance, and more. by Newton Production AG
Im Spiegelfeld 30 | 4102 Binningen | Switzerland

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