Subject: 2018 publishing | First genre insights coming in

Hi Friend,

Let's make 2018 the best year of your writing and publishing ever!

I am pleased to announce our first research in the new year: the latest K-lytics Mystery, Thriller and Crime market study.

This time, it examines 93 Kindle sub-markets. And, we expanded the assessment to include things like the the current top authors and their publishers.

This new edition also looks at high-growth bestseller lists.

d we added a full bonus seminar about Christmas-related mysteries. It is based on real peak-season data from December 2017.

As always, you will get my videos, where I take you through the results.

If you intend to do any book project with elements of mystery, crime, thriller or suspense in 2018, this study should be a wise investment.

And if you do not, you may want to rethink. The results are compelling:

Hardly any other category on Kindle provides such a high percentage of appealing market niches.

So don't let pass the first Mystery Thriller & Suspense Research Seminar of 2018.

With this data, you will have more genre insights than most (if not all) publishers and literary agents out there.

You can access the early-bird discount via my Facebook post here:
=> Mystery Thriller Suspense 2018
Please leave a LIKE there or even SHARE it. :-)

All the best for this year! Happy publishing!

Alex | ebook market insights for success

P.S. So the bonuses are: Christmas Mysteries Market Seminar + MTS Top 100 Market Snapshot + a surprise bonus

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