Subject: Hanukkah: Can Kindle help a 89-year-old holocaust survivor?

Hanukkah: Can Kindle help a 89-year-old holocaust survivor?

December 16th, 2014 at 9:51 am EDT

Hi Friend Manny Steinberg is 89 years old. There are two things you should know about him:He spent his teens in Nazi camps in Germany and Poland, and miraculously ...

K-lytics NEWS: Selp-help finally researched...

December 15th, 2014 at 7:44 pm EDT

Hi Friend The Holidays are approaching fast. Well, what to focus on? - Christmas shopping or finishing pending book projects and planning your publishing line-up f ...

Can authors benefit from Cyber Monday?

November 30th, 2014 at 9:01 pm EDT

Hi Friend ...yes, authors can benefit from Cyber Monday. We listened to our members and now we want to share the exciting news on the most recent additions to our ...

Less than 24 hours left! - Why you do not want to miss this one...

November 3rd, 2014 at 3:26 pm EDT

Hi FriendImagine you had full transparency of all Kindle book categories and 347 sub-categories.You would have an unbeatable map of the Kindle publishing gold mine.You would have the answers to the most pressing questions that commercially oriented a ...

GIVEAWAY: K-lytics PREMIUM for less than $1 a day (!!!)

October 30th, 2014 at 8:57 pm EDT

Hi Friendtoday is a special day. We now have a winner for our recent Author Motivation Contest.Christa made the race!! - CONGRATULATIONS!!Her entry: "I write... - because I have to know how the story ends."You all have been a very special group. Crea ...

Author Motivation Contest Winner! - And amazing Halloween Special

October 29th, 2014 at 10:20 pm EDT

Hi Friendtoday is a special day. We now have a winner for our recent Author Motivation Contest.Christa made the race!! - CONGRATULATIONS!!Her entry: "I write... - because I have to know how the story ends."You all have been a very special group. Crea ...