Subject: Less than 24 hours left! - Why you do not want to miss this one...

Hi Friend

Imagine you had full transparency of all Kindle book categories and 347 sub-categories.
You would have an unbeatable map of the Kindle publishing gold mine.
You would have the answers to the most pressing questions that commercially oriented authors and publishers have:

  • Which book genres and niches show highest level of sales?
  • Which ones offer the highest growth?
  • Which ones are trending up or down over a longer period of time?
  • Which of the high-selling categories have the lowest level of competition?
  • Where is the degree of competition increasing the least?
  • At what price points are the books selling for a given category?
  • Are prices currently trending up or down for a certain book genre?
  • How many pages should you write to meet market expectations for a certain book genre?
  • What are the hot topic trends every month?

All these and many more questions get answered with K-lytics:

Our incredible Halloween weekend giveaway offer is ending in less than 24 hours:

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It is a must-have for every writer who wants to understand what readers want.

Invest your time and money as an author and publisher in markets where it makes sense!


See you on the other side.

Happy publishing! 

Best regards,
Alex Newton
K-lytics · ebook market intelligence for success