Subject: K-lytics ELITE - You will be shocked

Hi Friend
I have an announcement. 

We are launching K-lytics ELITE (beta). It is a "soft launch" - no big bang. Still, you will be shocked because of the incredible deal I have for you.

ELITE will provide you with access to the new "backbone" of K-lytics - namely a regularly updated database of more than 2,300 Kindle sub-sub-categories. For each sub-market, you will have the performance data at your fingertips like in K-lytics PREMIUM Interactive today (Sales Ranks, sales per day, prices, category size, etc.)

In other words - we are moving from 364 sub-categories (PREMIUM) to more than 2,300 sub-sub-categories. This means laser-sharp niche selection at the press of a few buttons.


Everybody who is a paying K-lytics PREMIUM member (i.e. you have passed the 30-day free trial) BETWEEN NOW AND 30TH OF JUNE will be UPGRADED to
K-lytics ELITE. (Yes, I know it's crazy.)

This means:

  1. Members who already have a paid membership at present will receive an email over the coming days with access to K-lytics ELITE (beta). I am still in the process of shooting some tutorial videos and case studies, but you can already start playing with the interactive tool.

  2. Any member who is in the K-lytics trial period right now will be upgraded as soon as the trial period is over and the first payment is received.

  3. Anyone who is not a PREMIUM member right now should sign-up BETWEEN NOW AND 31st MAY to participate in the deal. Please go to

This opportunity is unique and will not come back. K-lytics ELITE will be targeted at professional publishers and priced accordingly. (We are currently discussing rates between $197 and $399 per month). 

Giving it away for the PREMIUM membership rate is ... well, my gift back to you for all the support you have given me since the birth of K-lytics.

So, this is what I got to say today.
Thank you for all your support!

Happy Publishing!


P.S. Just remember if you are not a current member go to and sign-up until 31st MAY 2015 - As soon as the K-lytics PREMIUM trial period is over you will get access to K-lytics ELITE

Happy publishing!

Best regards,
Alex Newton
K-lytics · ebook marketing intelligence for success

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