Subject: GIVEAWAY: K-lytics PREMIUM for less than $1 a day (!!!)

Hi Friend

today is a special day. We now have a winner for our recent Author Motivation Contest.

Christa made the race!! - CONGRATULATIONS!!

Her entry: "I write... - because I have to know how the story ends."

You all have been a very special group. Creative writers! It is so great to see creativity at work.

And this is my special thank you to all subscribers of the K-lytics Newsletter:

70% off the current K-lytics launch offer.   What?!!!

Yes, this means I invite you to receive the most advanced ebook market research there is, covering more than 340 Kindle book market niches every month, 
for less than $1 a day!

You think I am crazy? - No! I mean it. Just press on the big red button or the link below it to see for yourself.
It is a must-have for every writer who wants to understand what readers want.


See you on the other side.

Happy Halloween! 

Best regards,
Alex Newton
K-lytics · ebook market intelligence for success