Subject: You are throwing away traffic

Hey Friend,

THINK for a second… what is the main difference

between those who make a lot of money on the

internet and those who don't?

If you think it's getting traffic to your websites…

then I'm sorry but I have to say - you are thinking

about this all wrong.

Any goofball can get traffic to his site. Just set up an

account and boom, traffic coming in.

But that does NOT equal money in your pocket. This does:

OK, so if you STILL don't know… then I won't keep

you in suspense any longer…

The KEY to selling stuff on the internet is CONVERSIONS.

Can you actually get visitors to BUY something, CLICK on

a link, or take an action you want them to take when they

come to your website?

And are you doing it to the point where you're actually

paying less than it costs you for your traffic?

See, like I said, it's not hard to get traffic when you're

paying for it. It's a much greater feat to make a PROFIT

on that traffic.

And that's what awesome course from Mao Flynn and

David Eisner is all about…

…taking $1 and turning it to $2, $5, $10… instead of

falling flat on your face and losing your shirt...

See, these guys have years of combined experience

getting people to click, opt in, and buy stuff off their websites.

Simply put, they know how to CONVERT visitors.

Together they've sold over a million dollars of products

over the internet, through various means. So they are

two guys I trust to really point you in the right direction.

So if you're someone who is struggling to convert your

existing traffic, you want to do better than you're doing,

or you're just starting out and you want to learn what it

takes to actually SELL stuff online…

Then this is for you.

And the package they put together to teach you this is

INSANE. This is the DEFINITION of an "irresistible offer"

(a important sales concept you will learn about…).

Check it out now… I think you'll be quite pleased at what you see...

Talk soon,

Mark Steer

To your success.