Subject: Wow. This is the Answer Offliners Have Been Looking For!

Hey Friend,

Recently you’ve seen a ton of awesome Offline Products.

These offline products are always coming out to help you promote 

a new service, tool, method, etc.

What about something that You can use for YOUR offline business 

that can be sent to any local business, no matter what niche, or 

services you provide.

Something you can use to advertise and promote your actual 

business…just like you help other businesses do.

There is a story of a cobbler and this cobbler was the best 

cobbler in the area. Everyone went to him to have their shoes 

fixed, polished and repaired. One day a man looked at the 

cobblers shoes and said…

“You are so great at fixing other peoples shoes, but your shoes 

need more repair than anyone’s I’ve ever seen…why?”

The cobbler smiled and replied…”I spend so much time trying to 

fix and help others, that I neglect my own each and every day.”

As offliners we tend to do the same…and forget that we should be 

promoting and advertising our business services to anyone we can, 

and doing for us what we do for other local businesses in the 


That is what the Ultimate Offline Toolkit is for! 

Check It Out Here

To help you with YOUR business.

To Grow YOUR Business!

Fortunately for you, my good friends and fellow offliners have 

created that for us, for you!

And there is no fluff here…you’ll know exactly what you’re 

getting as soon as you hit this page.

See It Here

We love this product and we know you will too.

Check it all out here…and just wait to you see what they’re 

offering it for – I’m willing to bet you’re going to be shocked.

Talk soon,

Mark Steer


P:S. Finally someone has developed a real set of offline tools 

for our offline marketing needs for OUR business!

I’m So Glad I Found This!









