Subject: Why SEO Will Always Exist

Hey Friend,

I'm sure you've heard people say that SEO is dead, or that it 

isn't working the way it used to.  I can tell you for a fact, 

these are myths.  SEO will never die.  SE0 will always be an 

intricate part of a successful website.

Do you really think all of those ranking websites got to those 

number one, highly competitive positions through organic means?  

Not on your life!

So how exactly did they take over the rankings for some of the 

most profitable keywords on the Internet?  The simple answer is 

SE0.  A very specific way of doing SE0.  In fact, the backbone of 

all of those rankings is one specific way of creating very 

special links.  

What kind of links?  I'll be getting more into that in the next 


For now, I want to talk about why SEO is important, and will 

always be important.

See, all search engines run on something called an algorithm.  An 

algorithm is basically just a mathematical formula.  If you build 

links, buy social signals, or in any other way try to rank a 

keyword by non-organic means, basically what you are doing is 

trying to manipulate that algorithm.

And all algorithms are math.  And because they are math, they 

must rely on things that can be counted.  So what exactly can be 

counted on the net?

Links back to your website is the most obvious answer.  Add to 

that things like Google +'s, Facebook likes, and a host of other 

social signals, and you should get a clear understanding of what 

can be counted on the net.

If SEO were not important, how exactly would a search engine 

decide which results to show in its SERPs? (Search Engine Results 


The only answer I can come up with is nothing.  It would be 

impossible.  In order for a search engine to know which website 

keywords to rank, it must have some sort of mathematical formula 

in order to calculate which websites are the most relevant, and 

useful to the end user or searcher.

And like I said before, links are the easiest way to do this.

But that's not to say that search engines haven't been working 

hard to improve their algorithms.  In fact, you hear of all the 

fluffy and cute Google updates every few months now.  And yes, 

they do impact a lot of websites.  Both good and bad.

But still, there are those sites that never seem to move.  That 

always stay number 1 for the most competitive, and most 

profitable keywords on the Internet today.  And that's no 

mistake.  The people running those sites know exactly what works 

and what doesn't.  And unlike most people trying to make money 

with their websites, people in the know stick with what works.  

They don't keep jumping around with every new traffic loophole 

that comes out.

So what does work exactly?

I'll answer that in the next email.  So keep a lookout for it 

because it's important.  If you've actually done any research 

into some of the most highly competitive keywords on the 

Internet, then I'm sure you recognize a pattern.  Something that 

keeps popping up over and over.  That's what I'll be talking 

about in the next email.

Until then, you can feel better knowing that SE0 will never die.  

And that there is a way for you, yes you, to rank practically any 

keyword you want.  Regardless of how competitive it is.

Mark Steer











