Subject: Weird Little Puppet Video Triples Conversions

Hi Friend,

Do you know about the most important thing you can provide your
offline clients with?

Skip to the sales page:

Well it’s a numbers game…The more leads you can deliver to
your client, the more customers your client will have, and the
more money they will make…Which results in justifying paying
you to produce those results. It’s a simple as that!

As you know each client is different, but one thing is certain
and that’s they all want and need to make money to keep their
businesses running and to continue to pay you for your services.

Kerry has made this as easy as possible for you to deliver
exactly what your client wants and needs…LEADS!

It’s called Offline Puppet Master: Lawyers (Personal Injury) Edition:

If you purchased Kerry’s Offline Puppet Master: Chiropractors,
Accountants, Dentists, Realtors, or Plumbers Editions then you
already know the quality that Kerry delivers. If you haven’t had
the privilege, then you’re in for a really special treat.

Here is what you get for the price of a sandwich:

- Puppet Video
- Video Squeeze Page
- 20-Page PLR Report
- 6-Part Follow-Up Email Sequence
- Complete Done-For-You Guide To Get It All Set Up
- Step-By-Step Guide To Landing A Client Using OPM

Kerry also includes some very helpful tutorials and delivers
a few bonuses that will assist you with this entire product.

It just went live…

Check it out here:

To Your Success,
Mark Steer