Subject: (VERY IMPORTANT) Something BIG is happening today… (nothing to sell here)!

Hey Friend,

If you are opening this email to find a “click to buy here link”, 

I’m sorry to disappoint ya… there’s nothing to sell here and 

please make sure you read this entire email, it’s very important!

This is a follow-up reminder to the FREE report I sent you 

yesterday, if you missed the report, click below to download it 

now and read right now! 

Click Here To Download The Manual (PRESELL REPORT LINK)

I just wanted to let you in on the big thing that will be 

happening today…

Top SEO Authority “Precious Ngwu” is doing something really crazy 

for us, he’s decided to open up doors to his most coveted SEO 

Traffic desktop software “Backlink Snatcher 2.0” as a special 

deal on 

But here’s why I’m really excited about it…

Precious is known as one of the top go to guys for anything 

“Targeted Traffic Generation”, he’s a big authority in SEO and 

that’s why his SEO Traffic software launch of Backlink Snatcher 

2.0 is a big news!

Here’s the thing…

The first version of this software Backlink Snatcher 1.0 was 

NEVER sold in public as a special offer like this, in fact… in 

2012 when the version 1 was launched, he only gave his inner 

circle members access to it during private webinars as high 

ticket product and they were paying $229 USD for a lifetime 


Those who couldn’t afford that option, opted for subscription at 

$39/month over a payment period of 12 month totaling $468 USD

YES… the software is that costly because IT FLAT OUT WORKS!

But with the launch of this newly improved version “Backlink 

Snatcher 2.0”, he’s doing MEGA DISCOUNT and for the first time 

ever, opening doors to the software to the public as a special 

offer starting today at 11am EST.

This is HUGE…!

This is the EXACT software that turned him from a super failure 

to a Super Affiliate, he went from ZERO to $600/per day, and he's 

even hit some $900 days using this software… it’s that powerful!

In fact, because of how powerful the stuff is… top SEO experts 

call the software a “Traffic Beast” and with the launch of this 

new version “Backlink Snatcher 2.0”, it’s the reincarnation of 

the beast.

- If you want rankings…

- If you want to crush your competition…

- If you want targeted traffic…

- If you want change your faith as petty affiliate and bank big 

like the super affiliates…

Then you NEED Backlink Snatcher 2.0… period!

And there’s no better time to grab it other than right now it’s 

being offered on the Forum Special Offers at a MASSIVE DISCOUNT!

However, there’s a problem…

Because this is a special discount offer, Precious is limiting 

the number of copies that will be sold and the offer will only 

last for few days so you need to get in immediately the doors 

open today at 11am EST

And I’m going to be rewarding all the fast action takers with 

insane bonuses… listen, these are not some PLR rubbish bonuses or 

any nonsense like that with ZERO value (I don’t roll like that), 

these are EXCLUSIVE products currently selling online for over 

$37 each… 

Bonus #1: 2013 SEO Rebate Training Course

Bonus #2: Paged Socializer Plugin

Bonus #3: Traffic Funnel Blueprint

Bonus #4: High Converting Landing Pages

To grab these bonuses, wait for my email at 11am EST today and 

take action immediately…!


Mark Steer













