Subject: [Update] FBCF + My Peeps WOW!

Hi Friend,
I'd say that hype is far too rampant in 
internet marketing these days. Right?

Well, another thing that's far too common 
now is SOCIAL MEDIA FAILURE - and that 
is about to become a thing of the past for you!

I've already filled you in on the massive 
buzz surrounding Manie's grand slam new 
course, FB Cash Fuse!

What you now learn is that, in addition to his 
near-endless list of videos and lesson pointers,
Manie is opening up VIP access to his own 
world-class Facebook group.

But only to those lucky buggers who get in 
on FB Cash Fuse!

Like I said, the video training is legendary.
Worth hundreds of dollars on its own, but 
you'll pay a tiny fraction of that and slide 
straight into the most exclusive Facebook 
students group available.

And the truth is that Manie practically LIVES 
online, so your access to him 
will be literally priceless!

Act FAST with this . 

Remember I am here to help and you can reach me through
my support desk: Mark Steer Help Desk.

Talk soon,

Mark Steer

P.S. Get it here - FB Cash Fuse.