Subject: Top Marketers Do This Without Question – Do You?

Hey Friend,

You might be wondering if there are some things that the top 

marketers do consistently and without fail.

The fast answer is YES!

People don’t get to the top of their business without learning 

the most important factors that got others there.

One of the most significant and frequently talked about 

strategies that all senior marketers employ, is split testing.

If you don’t know what is working or what isn’t, you cannot 

possibly improve your business.

I’ve just found a great new tool that’s going to make your split 

testing easy!

Not only does this make split testing a breeze to set up, the 

benefit of using this software is your increased conversions.

Bounce rates will drop, notifications of under performing pages 

are emailed AND it’s mobile and geo location friendly!

I’ll send you a link as soon as this product is going live so you 

can get in early and grab the best price.

It’s time to start testing your pages, squeeze pages, opt-in 

forms and sales letters, so you can tweak them to perfection.

Keep an eye on your inbox for early notification.

To Your Success

Mark Steer









