Subject: Stop Doing The Wrong Stuff – Shift Your Focus ! (private message 2 of 2)

Hey Friend,

So here we go…I promise you that this shift in focus will open 

new HUGE doors for you.

Again…I just want to help in any way I can. I just can’t stand 

the fact that so many starting internet marketers are being 

ripped off and are more or less “forced” into buying the next 

“Magic Wealth Software” because everyone says it’s the bomb.

I believe in ethical, powerful tested and proven strategies that 

have worked for decades and will always work…

I already told you that interaction with your target prospects is 

one of the aspects that will guarantee your success. I can almost 

hear you asking…”Then how the hell do I do that ?”

We’ll get to that, but I’d like you to realize something first…

How often do you see statements like “You MUST do SEO !” ? Or 

maybe “Article Marketing is THE way to go !”… or “Blog your arse 

off to build a successful online business !” ?

Exactly…NEVER ! In fact those will only disappoint you even more. 

Too much effort and zero results…nada money in the bank. I made 

that mistake and realized I was going the wrong way after too 

long…believe me.

Next question…

What are all the successful marketers shouting at you all the 

time ?

Yup… “The Money Is In The LIST !” and

“You HAVE to build a LIST !”.

What’s the best way to interact with other people ? To get the 

important message over to your friends, family or…prospects and 

customers ?

It’s the best invention ever in the internet era. The most 

trusted channel of communication that has dominated internet 

marketing for ever.

Email !

That’s what you should be focusing on…Email Marketing ! They’re not

telling you for nothing…It’s the truth. Start building a list !

Marketers pay boat loads of money for email leads, solo 

advertisements and email marketing services…because it’s the best 

way to interact directly with their prospects. Targeted 

communication to those who agreed to receive their messages.

Yes, you’ve heard it all before…just like everybody else. But…

what the vast majority doesn’t realize is that it’s not just the 

money that’s in the list…

It’s the PURE basis for your online business… PERIOD !

Whatever your online business is going to grow into…it’s all 

based on your list of subscribers and customers. Your list is the 

foundation of your online success.

“But I’ve tried so many PDF and online courses and still I 

haven’t been able to build a list !”

I understand…and I’m not surprised. Most products on list 

building are teaching you the basic stuff and leave out the 

details that make the difference. Or they leave you with too much 

work you MUST do before you can actually start building a list. 

Or they’ll give you exactly those sources for adding subscribers 

to your list that will kill your list before you can start making 

money with it. (sigh…)

Many of those products and reports will actually teach you to act 

on greed…which is the biggest problem in this market (I told you 

in my last email…).

Been there…done that…was part of that 99%…

Fact is…you don’t need a huge list to make good money online. Who

ever tells you that is either a liar or has no clue what he’s 



Those two guys I told you about, Andre and Anton, they’ll be 

releasing a training product with a complete package, which 

enables you to start immediately…no hard work to set things up…

everything is provided and set up with a few clicks. They’re 

offering some HUGE bonuses to go with it all, like a 90 minute 

interview with THE list building dude of today, John Cornetta (to 

name just one…).

They call it “List Frenzy”…and from what I’ve seen and learned 

from it the name tells you exactly what it does. There are many 

ways how NOT to do it, but these guys will give you the few RIGHT 

ways to do it, that for some reason many just don’t want to 


“List Frenzy” will be released on the 5th of April, but I really 

recommend you to get on their early bird list and be one of the 

first. This is a true no-brainer…and maybe you’ll win the early 

bird prize…


You can sign up through the following link:

=> Here It Is

I have to finish setting up my own email campaign I started on 

this morning, so I’ll leave you to it for today.

Thanks for sticking around to the end of this long email…(sorry 

about that) 


Mark Steer








