Subject: [Save and Make Money] Shocking Plugin Reveals How

Hi Friend,

Are you a WordPress user?

See the security and performance dangers your WordPress site 

faces on a daily basis – and how Spyder Spanker ensures

optimal performance.

Web bots are commonly known as spyders and crawlers which are 

scripts written for good and evil. A good spider is

one that indexes your site so it appears on search engines, but a 

bad spyder will look for email addresses on your site and send 

you SPAM.

Each time a spider accesses your website it hogs the server 

resources because it's much more intensive than a human user and 

the spyders can come from anywhere.

Optimize performance and prevent spam by controlling these web 

spyders (no technical expertise required).

Malicious spyders can cripple your WordPress site any given day, 

but this WordPress Plugin guards your site 24/7.

Spyder Spanker not only blocks them but bans them forever (at 

your discretion). You get absolute control of every single bot 

that arrives at your website, or you can follow the suggested 


Options include:

- Force Timeout

- Force Deindex

- Throttle Entry

- Redirects

- Reject to Origin

- more…

You will know which are the good spiders and which ones are the 

bad ones by white-listing and black-listing. A new breed of 

data-stealing, spam-blasting, bandwidth-hogging bots are being 

created every day. Don't let your website be vulnerable and sit 

there accepting any visitor. This plugin works proactively and is 

intuitive for any WordPress user to configure.

With the Live Bot Traffic feature you can grab hold of spyders by:

- Keyword

- Country of Origin

- IP Range

- Agent Name

…and send where they came from, give them an error, or make your 

site invisible to them. See the profound differences in

performance before and after Spyder Spanker.

Almost every blogger uses WordPress due to it's ease of use and 

flexibility. If you're unsure what CMS platform you have, it's 

probably WordsPress. Spyder Spanker uses advanced techniques 

developed by an internet security developer previously hired by 

Fortune 500 companies.

Performance gains are dependent on security and this guy knows 

every trick in the book.

View It Here

Have your website running as intended with SPYDER SPANKER NOW!

Check It Out Here


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