Subject: Need Targeted Traffic? Tap Into This!

Hi Friend,


It has to be apparent to you by now that there is no way you are 

ever going to outsmart google. If you want to get top rankings in 

the serp’s you have to take advantage of Googles new marketing 


I know only too well how hard this can be because I manage 

multiple Google accounts and Business Pages. I just don’t have 

the time to manually unfollow all of the deadbeat users, to 

constantly build  up my circles or to sift through all the latest 

trends to prospect the top influencers.

I needed software to automate my activities, so that I could be 

more productive, concentrate on making more sales and Plus 

Commander sure makes my life easier.

>>> Check It Out

Plus Commander keeps you well “under the radar” too I have never 

had an account frozen whilst using this software as it emulates a 

real user and does not use the API. I use it with my personal 

account with no problems.

This software is so easy to use and has been designed with 

simplicity in mind. After watching the tutorial videos, you’ll be 

up and running in minutes and getting your Plus account to really 

work for you.

New Marketing Services Like Ripples and Trending Topics are the f

uture of Google’s search engine. Take advantage of it now with 

Plus Commander before your competiton does.

>>> Grab Your Copy

To Your Success,

Mark Steer


Here's That Link Again








