Subject: Knock Knock- who’s there?

Hey Friend,

When opportunity knocks do you answer the door or hide behind the 



Over the past year or so I’ve realized that many of the old 

methods of creating an income online have become fat and bloated. 

Not in an Alfred Hitchcock way but rather as a result of 

marketers feeling the need to add more features to try to make 

their systems and methods sound unique.


The trouble with this is with many people having to work a day 

job it means that projects don’t get completed and get abandoned.


Veteran Internet Marketer  Mark Thompson realized this was a 

problem for many people and so came up with a solution


Over the past 6 months he started to look at what worked and what 

didn’t , at what was necessary and what is just added bloat.


The result is that he’s created a system called the 75 Minute 



It completely eliminates any confusion and “noise” by helping you 

build a real online business in 75 minutes a day (which are 

broken up into 25 minute intervals).


I believe it is one of  the simplest and purest Online Marketing 

products available and it works in any niche  for affiliates or 

product creators.


It’s live now and you can now pick it up for less than the cost 

of a pizza, but hurry as the price is rising.


Check It Out Here 


So if you are one of the people who opens the door when 

opportunity knocks and embrace it with both hands…

Knock Knock

To your success,

Mark Steer


Here's That Link Again







