Subject: Introducing WP Media Magic!

Hey Friend,

I hope this new year will be one that can find you working less, and
getting more done!

That's where I come in :)

I'm proud to announce WP Media Magic.

This was created with you as a Wordpress user in mind.

The main goal of WP Media Magic is to save you tons of your
precious time and effort.

That was the 'basis' of the software, but it ended up being so much more.

The end product is really one that I am sure every Wordpress user
will want installed on their pc, simply because it automates one of the
most time consuming tasks WP users face.

Now it's a software that can save you time, make sure your images
are perfectly optimized for fast loading times, and protect your
online content all at the same time - working quietly in the
background while you sit back and relax.

If that's not automation at it's finest, I just don't know what else is.

My goal for 2013, is to put forth the same amount of work
(or even more) , but with WAY less effort on my part.

That's why I'm proud to bring you WP Media Magic - cause it fits
that bill perfectly.

This is something that a ton of people have been wanting
for years, so they are excited to see it open up.

To your success,
Mark Steer