Subject: Increase opt-ins by 700%...

Hey Friend,

Groundbreaking seems like a word often overused in our industry...

But I honestly believe that's because software is constantly being

improved at lighting speeds (which is awesome).

And this is the latest development in list-building software.

Check out how impressive this is...

Here's why this plugin is groundbreaking...

1) It takes many essential features that exist in multiple

different plugins and combines them into one, effectively.

Yes, there have been plenty of plugins that make opt in

boxes to put in various parts of your site (like widgets,

in post, lightboxes, etc.) - but this one has all that and MUCH more.

2) It presents new features that have never been

seen before. For example...

You like Facebook Connect optins? Well, what if the plugin

could detect if your user was signed into Facebook or not

(or has already connected with your site) and then show

the appropriate opt in option? Pretty cool, I'd say.

This plugin can do that. And that's just the tip of the iceberg...

"Hybrid Connect" also integrates with Gotowebinar...

so you can collect the users Facebook email to remind

them about a webinar they simultaneously registered for

when they connected to your site...

3) It works with almost any autoresponder, including

Aweber, GR, OAP, Infusionsoft, Mail Chimp, iContact, Constant Contact...

4) You can actually split test lightboxes (unblockable popups

on your site) or any other kind of opt in and see the stats in

the back of the plugin... then it will automatically serve which

one is doing best...

This thing is SICK!

Plus, it is fast, slick, and dead-simple to use. Watch how fast

I can create a webform in this quick demo video I made...

To your success,
Mark Steer