Subject: Have you seen Simple Social Selling?

Hey Friend,

SSS is the term coined for how marketers are quietly killing it 

on Facebook and other sites by using a new form of selling.

If you haven’t seen it yet, you are in for quite a surprise.

It is by far the most unique and refreshing approch to selling 

I’ve ever seen.

You can check it out here:

See What's On Offer

I’ve been using it very successfully for the last few months on 

facebook, twitter and my own websites and blogs.

And across the board, my conversion rates are up and so are my 

profits =)

The best part is that there is:

- NO PayPal

- NO Merchant Accounts

- NO Affiliates

- NO Affiliate Programs or Networks

- No Salesletters

- NO Email Marketing

- NO Autoresponders

- AND NO CPA Offers

There is nothing complicated or traditional involved which is why 

it’s call it Simple Social Selling.

Go Here…

I promise you’ve never seen anything like it…Seriously.

Take a minute and read the page…I guarantee you will be WOWed 

(I was).

Talk soon,

Mark Steer


Here's That Link Again















