Subject: HO HO XMAS Special

Hey Friend,

So I woke up this morning to an email that was

SURPRISING, to say the least...

Mao decided (quite out of the blue) that he

wanted to do a Christmas Special related with

their recent launch...

So he wanted me to send you this message,

which you would be foolish not to read IMHO...

seriously, I was just as shocked as you will be...


Hi guys,

Read this very carefully as you get $423 worth

of products if you take action right now..

I've been slaving away over a new course for the

last 4 weeks, and I'm delighted to say it has just

been launched...

This product is on THE SINGLE most important

topic in the WHOLE of Internet marketing. A topic

FAR more important than Traffic or SEO...

It doesn't matter if you own squeeze pages, authority

sites, blogs, sales pages, review sites or auto-blogs. This

subject affects you greatly and it will have the single

greatest impact on how much money you make, and how

long it takes you to make it.

Curious what I'm talking about? I hope so, your success

online depends on this:

==> Click here to access this for just a few dollars:

If you take action now and snap up this course

along with the game changing Plugin (OTO 1) and

the awesome templates (OTO 2), then you get almost all

my courses worth $423 for FREE.

IMPORTANT - How to get your bonus...

Simply email me your sales receipts to with the

subject line 'HO HO XMAS Special' and I'll

respond with your access.

But HURRY This OFFER ends at 12AM EST on Saturday.


P.S. I teamed up with David Eisner for this launch and he has
added some seriously good bonuses that you will get for FREE.

==> Click here to access this for just a few dollars:


Like I said... a bit surprising, huh?

Honestly, this was NOT my idea. I had no idea

this was going to happen. But I trust Mao and it's

an awesome deal.

So, go ahead and eat this one up while you can, guys.

What can I say, Christmas came early this year...


Mark Steer

To your Success.