Subject: Getting results for your offline clients never get easier…

Hey Friend,

One of the biggest problems every offline consultant faces

when starting out getting clients is showing results so people

are happy to “sign on the dotted line.”

My buddy Dr. Ben Adkins just released the solution to this 


Check It Out Here 

One of the easiest ways a “sticks and bricks” business can get 

quick sales is through using Facebook.  EVERYONE and their 

brother seems to have a facebook and they recently crossed the 

1 Billion user mark.

However, most people can’t do anything with facebook pages 

because… well they don’t have anything to start with.

Here’s The Solution 

Ben’s using this method in his offline business where he gets 

recurring income from managing local business pages…so this is 

not some “fluff and theory” product like many of the things 

you’ve seen.

It’s The Real Deal 

This definitely is something you can easily implement in your 

arsenal and show some results fast for your clients so they stick 

with you giving you that TRUE recurring income lifestyle that we 

all want.

Talk to you soon,

Mark Steer














