Subject: Forget Google… It’s time to build a real business.

Hey Friend,

When it comes to making an income online you need

to AVOID the magic bullets.

Look, we’ve all been there. We all get sucked into

those shiny things.

It’s normal and it’s not your fault.

You see, the Internet Marketing industry (and the

Warrior Forum in particular) LOVES to push the next

shiny thing down your throat.. and when something

is in your throat somteims you can’t help but to bite.

Know what I mean? So I think it’s time for a rally cry

and time for a push AWAY from the shiny bullets.

Forget the bold claims and baseless promises. It’s time

to focus on a business model that actually works.

That’s what I’ve found for you today.

It’s a complete business in a box system that will allow

you to build your OWN business… OUTSIDE of Google.

Screw the hard work with websites and the constantly

changing algorithms.

The thing about this system is that it works. Screw the lies,

screw the scams… This is a humble approach to IM that

has taken many many warriors to success.

It works by creating your own solo ad and email marketing

business. I know it sounds hard, but in fact it’s not and it

only takes 30 minutes a day to maintain.

Are you ready to take control of your own business?

It’s a great deal and I’m really pleased with this WSO.

Unlike the other crap that gets pusehd around, this for once

is something of high quality and I really wanted to let you

know about it.

I highly recommend it.

Mark Steer

To your success.