Subject: EXPOSED – My Forbidden Love with Google!

Hey Friend,

I have a confession to make…

… I love Google.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I love my family too,

 but there is something special about Google.

I know…we all have had our fair share of arguments

 and fights with Google. In fact, I myself have struggled

 with its moody behaviour!

I have been wrong too – I tried to find ‘black hat’ ways

 to please Google. I tried gifts, bribes and sometimes paid

 someone on Fiverr to fix my site!

Nothing helped, till I decided to claim my authoritah, and

 here’s how I did it: Check It Out

A lot of people are realizing that loving Google pays more

 than hating it. Its true…wearing a squeaky clean white hat

 DOES pay more.

You can try to trick Google, but as I always say

 “doing the right thing will take us further”.

See What's On Offer Here

Don’t get caught up in the latest loophole scams. There are

 plenty of sites that are not prepared to handle what Google

 will unleash in 2013.

Start doing what works best, and what will work best for

 as long as Google exists:  Here It Is Again

Make Love, not War!

 Mark Steer

P.S.: Google will respect your authoritah! Just be ready to wield 









