Subject: Don't Let It Happen To You

Hi Friend,

This is one of those things that's hard to talk about. We all 

want to make money, right? But what happens when you lose the 

very sites that create that income for you?

You're screwed. So you need to make absolutely sure you do 

backups of your sites. Replikator Pro is going to help you do 

just that. It ain't ain't gonna make $50 bills fly out 

of your DVD drive...but it could save you a LOT in time and money 

if it saves your sites!

Check It Out 

Your sites are your lifeblood. And when something happens to one 

of them, you want to make sure you can get it back - the whole 

site including themes, plugins, site settings, widgets, not just 

the database - in minutes. With Replikator Pro, it's easy.

See How Here

Check out the demo vid on the page, and you'll agree that not 

only is this the easiest solution, but it's also the most robust 

AND the least inexpensive! (Check out that comparison chart!)

Here's The Link Again

Do yourself a favor and make this all-too-important investment in 

the safety and recovery of your sites.

To your success,

Mark Steer









